Introduce Yourself! (2023)

Welcome @mangevine2


Hey all, nice to meet you.

Designer, 42, based in northern Germany, 2 children, 1 cat.

Originally started playing bass in my teens and now returning from a 15-year break (“career”, family, getting a dad bod, asf).

Back then I was mostly doing punkrock, noise and metal stuff. Not sure where the journey will take me now, but there are tons of ideas and I haven’t been that excited and happy in a long time.

Currently swapping out all the old gear for stuff that I really want and that is inspiring instead of being a compromise. And practising every day of course.

Talk soon

Random thoughts and learnings from the past two weeks
  • picked up a used Ray34 with natural finish because that is the bass I would have gotten back then and am really happy with it. The old ATK is already sold and will get shipped tomorrow
  • I want to do stuff with a looper and a BeatBuddy which led to me being totally fixated on getting a delay pedal which eats midi clock. Would have been happy with the TC Flashback X4 but it is way too large so now going in even more and trying the Walrus MAKO D1. (Selling a Line 6 Echo Park in case anybody is looking). Tried the Mooer D7 because I am more looking to experiment than perfect sound, and it even has tap tempo — but I cannot let go of that midi sync thing
  • Replacing the Ernie Ball Volume truck with a DOD Mini Volume
  • will probably try the Boss RC-500 for looping first, but happy to hear pros and cons on loopers
  • am so happy with the Micromark 801. Wasn’t sure if I should go with a 10” or an 8” combo, but an 8” is what I need rn and the simplicity and sound of it is just perfect
  • turns out that all my gear will now fit into a large duffel bag — first tiny jam session with a sax-playing friend coming up Thursday
  • as with the D7, the Mooer A7 is just the right thing for me rn to explore weird ambient sounds and being able to save presets is a nice bonus
  • locked in my warmup routine today, which I mostly stole from Julia Hofer’s warmup and adding Scott’s pentatonic patterns
  • for actual practise I’m going with Josh’s 10-Minute practice and Travis Dyke’s slap practice
  • happy to try recommendations for practice routines, DMs welcome
  • when practicing, I turn up the treble so nothing gets unnoticed
  • While all the gear things are nice, it feels like this is my chance to undo all the bad habits from back then, really learn the instrument and accompanying theory and do it right™ this time

PS: no links? Is that a general forum rule?


Welcome @Fabianus


Welcome @Fabianus


Great to have you here @Fabianus !

not picking on you…
This term always annoyed me.
If anyone ever said “mom bod” they would be cancelled immediately.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :roll_eyes:


@John_E Well, I wouldn’t use that term (or similar language) on other people, but for myself I have no use for sugarcaoting reality :smile:


Welcome @Fabianus
Have fun!


Welcome, @Fabianus. Glad you’re here. It sounds like you have all the requisites for B2B: excited, gear shopping, life-molded physique. Enjoy!


Hi there,

I am a 43yo mum of two from Germany and I used to play the drums when I was a teenager/young adult.
At some point I bought myself a bass guitar and tried to learn it by myself. No YouTube back then, so I did not get very far and gave up relatively quickly.

In my late twenties I took guitar lessons but I never really got anywhere, the guitar just never really clicked with me - I only realized that now after picking the old bass guitar up again about 2 month ago . Because I am sooo tooootally hooked on the bass now.

After watching hours and hours of Josh’s YouTube Videos and using the “Yous *c *an” App, I finally dared to spend money on the B2B course. Josh, you are an awesome teacher and I have high hopes that B2B will not disappoint me.

PS: my son started playing the drums and my daughter is just starting guitar lessons, so my big aim is to make music with my kids soon to show them why playing an instrument is such a great skill :slight_smile:


Welcome @maren


Welcome @maren
Have fun!


Welcome, @maren. Glad you’re here. Enjoy the lessons!


Welcome @Fabianus !


Welcome @maren !


Welcome @Fabianus ! I think after some time here you can post links. There are trust levels in the forum. You can read the community guidelines and get a lot of information if you click your icon in the upper right corner


Welcome @maren ! Really glad you are here. That sounds like an incredibly fun goal.


Hallo @maren :wave:


Great to have you here @maren


@maren welcome aboard!

Liebe Grüße aus Luxemburg :blush:


Welcome @maren