Kids BASS shortlist

This Squier Jag is a really great option and a great modding platform for you @HowlinDawg if it doesn’t work out with her.


I know you said there isn’t much around you @HowlinDawg, but maybe take her around to see what there is, to give you an idea of what matters to her. Too heavy / don’t care, wood/paint, short/long. Etc.

What @Gio says regarding daintiness does matter. Even if your kid is super careful. Solid low end is a good thing.


Oh, you’ve met her then! :wink:


Nobody has mentioned my fav short scale (30"), the Gretsch Junior Jet II.


Available in black, green, walnut (pictured) and sunburst.

Lightweight, rugged and performs way above its $300 USD price point (IMHO).


Oh, total good call there!

I have a Ray4 and an SR600E - the Ray is like a brick compared to the SR. I also find the SR a fair bit easier to play - thin, fast neck, ergonomic, strings not too far apart. @HowlinDawg - what colours does she like. Some of the entry level Sire’s have great colours as do the Ibanez &Yamahas. This is the 304 (not that white is a colour, technically). I’m currently seriously looking at the 504 in white as my next unnecessary purchase, I mean bass!


I love my TRBX604, and the reason I upgraded to it was that the 304 was so good :slight_smile:


I’m going to throw an odd perspective in here. I was a pistol trainer for a long time. I saw too many husbands and dads (yes, I’m calling you out, Y chromosome!) try to pick guns for their wives or daughters. It’s a bad move, even if you do have more experience. Show her the options and let her pick what looks cool to her. That’s what she’ll play and gives her agency in the process.
ETA: Then you get to play dad and have it set up properly :grinning:


Yeah that seems like the best plan.

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@howard is the main difference between the 604 and 504 the body wood or are there other differences?

Yep, alder vs mahogany for the body, with a flame maple top. Slightly lighter, and brighter sounding. The preamp is tuned for the brighter body as well; active vs passive have different tones. All in all, either are great.


Thanks. I really don’t need a new bass … but, you know, needs and wants! Lock down is depressing and I need something to cheer me up :grin:.

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100%, this is the plan.

If she still wants a bass for her birthday as we get towards December (by no means a given with a 8 year old!) I’ll show her the curated list of suggestions from this list, discuss it with her and let her decide which one she wants.

But come December it’s quite possible that all bets are off and she’ll request Bagpipes, a Basketball or a puppy instead! :smiley:

Basically if she want to pursue this I’ll support it wholeheartedly but if she has other priorities then that’s good too, I won’t push it.


First post updated to reflect suggestions made.
I’ve eliminated a few suggestions based on availability over here in Europe or cost.

Thanks to all for the comments and suggestions, they’re all helpful!

The latest update from her practice sessions…
Me: So, any questions for me about the lessons?
Her: Yeah, why does he have a Banana on his arm?


Other medium scales to consider are the new Ibanez Mezzos:

And older Yamaha Motion Basses (cult following, I love them and kind of want one myself):


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Yeah, I reckon she’d be all over this one

But I can’t find them in stock anywhere. If that changes I’ll definitely add them.


Love their color choices too. I think they look like really neat basses, alongside the Talmans.

Cort Action Junior? I did the entire B2B Course on a (long scale) Cort Action PJ. Still love it; would recommend it to anyone.

No burst finish available, but who would want that if you can have black cherry :sunglasses:

Have you considered SX? - 30", 32" and 34" available, JJ or PJ configurations - universally reviewed as excellent price to performance ratio. I’ve seen a lot of folks say it’s about equal to Squire but better priced. Everyone seems to agree it’s a step up from the Affinity series.

Here’s a very well priced 32" J-bass (also available in Natural and Lake Placid Blue and/or in PJ configuration):

The full inventory is here:


Lara Lee from Khraungbin plays an SX with upgraded pickups and she plays some pretty cool groove heavy tracks.

A great example of a female bassist and the fact you don’t need to spend a ton of cash to get a great sound and play great music.

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