Left hand pain

I’m beginner, and I’m wondering if your left hand is supposed to hurt after playing for like 2 or so hours or after intense finger exercises (I.E Billie Jean)

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2 hours of using muscles and tendons you probably haven’t used before is a long time and I’m sure you will experience some discomfort to begin with.


Yeah, that’s normal. Try to loose up, don’t squeeze with your left hand. Take an extra break to relax the muscles in your hand. It’s the same routine as any fysical exercise: you built it up.


Soreness is expected for sure. If it is getting painful, you are probably pushing too hard. It takes time for your hands to build up the strength and endurance to play those big thick strings on a bass. I understand it’s exciting and you want to play as much as possible, but playing bass can be hard for the body to adjust to as a beginner.

Think of working out. When you do a lot of exercising, you are generally sore later, or the next day. That’s usually a good sign that you are pushing your body enough to change. But if the next day you are in a lot of pain, that is not a good sign. It probably means you did something wrong technically or pushed too hard.

Also, If you are literally playing Billie Jean for 2 hours then that would probably hurt almost anyone’s hands. Try to mix it up more so your hands don’t get stuck in a rut. Play Billie Jean for a bit, then work on some other techniques or scales, or long note covers or something. Loosen your hands out by doing this. Even take a break and shake your hands out.

Hope that helps. Keep rocking and show Billie Jean who is the boss!


I’m more worried about what 2 hours of Billie Jean will do to my ears :smile:


That’s fair :rofl:


Yeah I usually do it in five minute intervals with breaks between, I also do the level five finger exercise from Josh’s video which helps me adjust pressure I put on the strings.


taking breaks is a big deal, and hard because all i wanted to do when i started was keep playing. and you can look up and 3 hours has passed really quickly.
You don’t want to lead to tendonitis in hands, or shoulders/wrists etc.

Going easy will get you to longer playing a lot quicker than overdoing


My hands start to hurt after 10 minutes of non-stop Billie Jean :laughing:


So does my head :joy:


Actually am having the same issue with left hand/thumb pain. Breaks are helpful of course. Wondering if anyone has any good exercises/stretches for the hands to keep them in good operating order. Worth a new topic perhaps?

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I still have no idea exactly how my left hand/wrist/etc are supposed to be postioned. Every time I try to emulate what folks show on line its undoable.


Common beginner issue is gripping too hard when fretting.


A good thumb stretch is to touch the base of your pinky with your thumb, and then return it to its normal position at the side of your palm. (Repeat as many times as you like.)

There’s a bunch of other stretches as well that I’ve been doing regularly. A bit long to explain in writing, but I can try and summarize them if you want.

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I developed some soreness in the past few days so I took yesterday off, which was hard to do because I’m trying to complete the course in 30 days. I’m actually proud of myself for forcing myself for not playing because my younger self would have pressed on. I know I press too hard with my thumb. The pain is at the back of my wrist toward the right side. I also notice I have sore forearm muscles on both sides. I’ve been trying to massage and stretch. Any exercises/videos would be great. @ArcticMonkeMan mentioned “level five finger exercise from Josh’s video”; if they or someone else could point me to that video I’d greatly appreciate it.


Here you go, @mateoloco . . . :slight_smile:



@howard, thank you so much for this video!
I have been beating myself up for not having my thumb behind my middle finger like I have read in so many places, but what I am actually doing is keeping my hand in the neutral postion as he points out!

What I do need to work on is getting up on the tops of my fingers vs. too far down the pads.

This is very helpful!


I’m convinced that video saved me from an RSI.


Yeah, I love that video. Here is another great video about holding positions and overgripping.