Looking For Other Experiences (COVID)

No. If you had chicken pox, you have the virus, which can turn into shingles.

Swallowing bleach is entirely discretionary, but definitely not required.

Short story:You don’t want to fuck with shingles. It makes chicken pox seem like the most pleasant day you’ve ever spent outdoors, except a shitload worse.


No, I was vaccinated as a child. So doesn’t that mean I was immune to chicken pox. Isn’t that point of vaccinating people, to develop an immunity to a disease. Or have I yet again misunderstood a huge piece of science.


Apparently, according to the interwebs, the chicken pox vaccine does provide some protection against shingles. That said, it is the interwebs, so consult a medical professional to be certain.


Well I once stepped on a Lego brick in my bare feet and didn’t cry.

So shingles will be like a warm hug on a cold winters day. Lovely.


I’ve never had covid, but shingles was the most miserable couple weeks I spent. You don’t want it. Rather walk on legos.


Ooo! Virology thread!

AFAIK, the virus causing chicken pox can go dormant in the body after symptoms clear up - it can later be reactivated as shingles.


That’s why those who have had chicken pox need to get the shingles vaccine shots.


Somebody here grew up in 1980s Britain, @Barney ?


He’s got to have :joy:

Chuckle chuckle vision, chuckle vision


You’re conflating your crap 80s tv in your mind :smile:

Stu Francis “Ooh I could crush a grape, I could rip a tissue etc “ was Crackerjack (which often had The Krankies on it)


ChuckleVision starred the Chuckle Brothers.


Oh now I remember.
Crackerjack was Lesley Crowthers gig at one point wasn’t it?

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You’re right @Mac but I had to look that up. It had been going since the 50s apparently.

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Right there, I know you’re American.



I had chicken pox as a child, and had very minor cases of shingles in my early 30s and in the last decade or two. Got the two shingles vaccines since then, and don’t recall any pain beyond my usual arm soreness, which lasts a day or two. When I had the two small shingles outbreaks, they gave me Zovirax the first time, and Valtrex the second, which calmed it down both times.

I’ve had the pneumonia vaccines, and think the second one gave me a worse sore arm, with some swelling. I believe this was at the same time I received a tetanus and pertussis vaccine, in the other arm.

Flu shots and Covid shots are the same for me, sore arm for a day or two, even though I try to use the arm a lot in an attempt to avoid soreness. My brother gets his shots in his thighs to avoid soreness; I guess we move our thighs around more than our arms!

Two of my sons had chicken pox before there was a vaccine for it, one still in diapers. Neither have had shingles as yet. The vaccine became available in time for my youngest son, so he got it and never got chicken pox. But a neighbor’s son who got the chicken pox vaccine at the same time got a breakthrough case, which was reported to the Dept. of Health.

I will spare you my own “year of childhood diseases,” but needless to say, I wish they’d had vaccines for them back in those ancient times! :wink: At least I’d had the polio and smallpox vaccines. When I research my ancestors, it is sobering to find out the causes of death for young children and others who died from diseases and ailments for which we have vaccines and treatments today.


Oh that brings back memories ! Happier, more innocent times… apart from Jimmy Saville and stuff…


@Ed You’re correct - chickenpox (the varicella-Zoster virus) goes dormant in your body after infection. When it re-emerges later as shingles its usually as a result of stress on your body and decreased immune efficiency linked with age (getting old sucks - love to play this song btw). But what makes shingles so awful/painful, is that when Zoster goes dormant after chickenpox it hides from your immune system in the ganglia of your neurons. It literally hides inside your nerves. So when it re-emerges as shingles its infecting the exact cells that transmit pain to your brain. It also spreads from neuron to neuron so the pain quickly intensifies (as a cool medical aside, the nerve-to-nerve infection also causes the virus to spread along easily mapped anatomy called dermatomes - so it spreads in very defined lines that branch out from your spine - its a distinctive part of shingles and apart from being super painful - is also scientifically cool).

Bottom line - yep shingles sucks - get vaccinated for that as soon as your doc says you’re eligible.


Thanks @KenKnight ! Looks like we got ourselves a reader on this site :wink:


A reader - and embarrassingly long time spent professionally studying and responding to uncommon infectious disease, toxins, etc. In medicine they have a saying, “If you hear hooves, look for horses and not zebras.” My team were zebra specialists.


Thank you for your insights. :+1: