Looper Pedals

hey mark, sorry i will be kind of useless here. i haven’t played with it much, or my bass much in a while. a combination of moving and lifting shit for a month while moving has triggered my arthritis pretty bad and kept me from playing.

the manual is online but it is copied above (thanx john!) and there’s not much to it. as for the sampling rate it isn’t variable, i’m not sure what rate is used but it is what it is. so to say that a high rate caused limited download and memory problems doesn’t quite sound right to me? and neither does not being able to download backing tracks, i wonder what file type they used. anyways for the price i really think it’s a pretty good buy.


Thanks for coming back @itsratso .
Might be a case of just giving it a go and seeing how I get on.


Thanks @John_E for the feedback and posting the manual (as much as it is!).
It’s a shame when a company makes potentially good stuff on the Engineering side but forgets the human touch.


I am no longer a fan. They seem like they are basically just more expensive Behringers now. For which I will just go to Behringer.

There is a reason for that: Behringer now owns TC Electronics.


Yep. Uli bought them a few years ago.


Mh. I actually prefer a lightweight manual and I knew I can upload backing tracks onto it and download the recordings I made from it. I already used both of it multiple times.

Can’t speak for the other examples, but I’m still very happy with my ditto+. I haven’t run out of memory yet and uploaded a few (under 5, actually) backing tracks for me to play to.

I am also confused as to what more you want in a manual. The selling point, among others, is that it is easy to use and does not need much of an explanation.

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  • how do you load a backing track.
  • how do you delete it
  • how many can you have
  • where are they located

And the format/bit depth/sample rate of the backing track?

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TC’s support pages even show the same people that are on YouTube showing off new Behringer gear.


I’ve bought a few loopers over the years, but the only one I’ve ever used onstage has been the BOSS Audio RC-3. The two things that make it ideal for someone like myself was that the loop sound reproduction is seamless, so don’t worry about poor fidelity. Also, the built-in drum tracks function like a metronome so they can be changed or turned off in your saved loops.

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