Los Angeles fires - hope y'all are OK

That’s where I used to live. Redlands and Yucaipa for a few years.

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Well if my response is against the rule, don’t ask me where the fires in California come from.

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If I remember correctly, Doggerland is a quite recent name!?
The whole Doggerland thing is thoroughly fascinating.
Fishermen find spear points, mammoth bones etc all the time. It makes you wonder.

I fear that we will be Doggerland rather soon, so German fisherman will find parts of windmills, DAF cars and Philips light bulbs as a faint memory of this once great nation…


We’re starting to need active monitoring. :expressionless:
@Gio @JoshFossgreen


We are past the point of monitoring. @JoshFossgreen, please weigh in and on this.


As someone who lived in the Bay Area, working in Silicon Valley for almost 20 years, I just want to say that in my experience and that of my friends still there, some of the opinions expressed above are neither universal nor particularly common, despite everyone more or less wondering about mismanagement here.

I was totally okay with people venting frustration as this is a truly shitty situation but some of the posts above are veering towards racism, and that is not OK.

I am not calling anyone a racist, I am just asking that people please step back and be mindful of how you may be coming across, regardless of what you were trying to say.




the point of this thread was to let the people we know on here who may be affected by the fires that we care about them and hope they are doing OK.

the point of this thread is not for political discourse — we do not do that on this forum, so cut it out.


Hey everyone.

I’m going to reiterate @mgoldst’s remark above, this is a support thread for folks going through some seriously rough times.

I have a hard time monitoring here full time, so I apologize if things get out of hand in between my weekly forum excursions.

I fully understand the reactions during massive crisis. But this forum is not the place for it. Thanks @Barney for the re-post of the Forum guidelines.


OMG, open the can and the worms get out…

This is a bass forum, I may feel for those people but there’s lots of other places to grieve or post online.

Bass, bass, bass… Bass is what most are here for.


All about that bass! :smiley:


That’s a lot of BASS… :jbass: :jbass: :sunglasses:


LOL yes. “Ma’am, this is a Wendys.”

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Totally agree. Political views are like underwear it’s not a place for a public forum. :joy:


Seriously though @Al1885, @JustTim, @Reasonably_Happy, @booker_t and others down there - take care and best wishes until this winds down. Here’s to hoping your families and friends are ok.


The point of this thread was to let the people we know on here who may be affected by BASS…

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Thanks @howard really appreciate that.

You know the one thing I found out, since Wednesday the 2nd day of the fire, my customers spicy level are up. Almost every dish would be asked to be more spicy.

I wouldn’t be surprised that @booker_t is grubbing on some spicy stuff right now, :joy:

... bass:

eh. This is the Lounge section; off-topic is fine. Mostly I just want to tell these folks we’re thinking of them.