My First Pedalboard!

So, you have not confirmed yet, did he give you the normal Dynacomp?
Agree it is ok as I was trying to say that many use it for bass, and the guitar Dyna Comp certainly is better then other Bass Specific Compressors for sure.

I am just fascinated by compression, and I enjoy them so much I have two, love them both. Even so, I couldn’t justify paying an arm and a leg for just about any pedal. True I have a $200 compressor, but I really lucked out in a trade and the two pedals I traded for it cost me $65. lucky trade there. much like my DarkGlass Alpha Omega Ultra. A $400 pedal. I would have a really hard time paying $400 for a pedal. I had a hard enough time dealing with my mistake in ordering a $200 pedal that was not easy to return like most normal Amazon purchases I make.
But since I had it, and returning it was a pain, I was listing it for sale on Offer Up and Let Go for $180, taking a $20 hit, but oh well.
The trade potential popped up for the $400 pedal, and when I only had a $200 pedal for trade, I had to make a decision weather to pay an additional $70 to make the trade. But in the end, I have a $400 pedal for $270, and truth be told, I am now a DarkGlass fanboy. I now know what all the hype is about.
@howard says it all the time. His favorite pedal on his board is his DarkGlass, followed by something like “I don’t know if it justified spending the money, but its the favorite”
I can sure understand and agree with that.


Actually technically my favorite is probably my compressor (Carl Martin Opto-Compressor). Or maybe it’s a two way tie. But yeah zero regrets whatsoever about the Microtubes X. It hurt, but it was worth it.


Yeah, I forgot you were a compression geek like me. Sorry for the misquote.
I will amend by saying I have heard you say your second favorite pedal is the Microtubes X.

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It’s this one


Yep that’s the classic :slight_smile:

One of the best selling compressors ever.


I have a different pedalboard related question now…

Since I now have the TS9B Tube Screamer, is there any reason for me to ever use the overdrive on my Rumble 100?


That will do nicely. I am interested to hear how it does with the Stand up.


a lot of people run multiple od’s at the same time, because they like the way they stack on top of each other. so try it and see what you think.


yep, it’s all about getting the sound you want. If the TS does it for you, you’re all set :slight_smile:


that’s not really necessary. for example I never had a bass-specific compressor, it’s not a problem as a compressor is a full range device.


No, you need to add another OD to your pedalboard, it won’t work from your Rumble 100.

I am kidding of course, but since you have jumped down the rabbit hole, I give it umm… 6 weeks til your Rumble isn’t enough and you are adding another OD, or pre-amp, or Pre-amp / DI, etc…
I man at least the $33 Behringer BDI-21


funny enough, the LA-2A, which may be the best compressor ever in my opinion, doesn’t have much knobs. as far as I know it’s the very first optical compressor.


Now for my reverb needs…

I found a gently used one of these on for $89. I ordered it, and it’s on it’s way.
TC Electronic Hall of Fame 2 Reverb Effects Pedal | Guitar Center


it’s a good one imo. playing around with the toneprints is fun, download the app on your phone.


I already did LOL


Good choice, people love that pedal.


I also just bought this chorus pedal on Reverb. I didn’t offer the asking price, and the seller accepted my offer.


I liked the Zoom model of that one a lot.


Me too!


IDK if you will get that with the factory set TonePrint, since it is used, but when I set it up next to the zoom, they sounded identical, so if you like the Zoom model, you will certainly like it. I never played with the tone prints on that one much, I just decided I wanted to go a different direction with Chorus.
I will probably end up with the EHX Bass Clone. I like the samples @howard posted and the video on it. Otherwise I may get the Source Audio Gemini (or Lunar Phaser or Mercury Flanger, like tone prints, these three can mimic one and other, so it doesn’t matter which you buy, they are the same, so I would buy on price and availability)

I want that HOF 2, but will probably wait until the 24th when Amazon has them, or buy one off Reverb for lower price. I didn’t see the one on GC, and if I were ready to buy it, and you didn’t get it, I might, but I still have a few pedals showing up tomorrow to test before I decide weather to get the HOF2 or not. My gut tells me, it is the pedal I will end up with however.