My near Death Experience

Yeah, I have not had feelings like that where somebody died, but my mom told me I used to predict earthquakes when I was little, like 3-4.
She said I would come in the house and say “the ground is gonna move” or “the house is gonna shake” and then about 10 min later there was a small earthquake.
Of course I grew up in California where there are small earthquakes all the time, but not ones you always feel, and these times, sure enough, they happened.

So, I was in a Coma again this weekend. (can you imagine I can say that so casually, like I was at the mall again this weekend :roll_eyes: ).

This time I noticed a lot more activity. I do not know how many times they pulled me in and put me back out. It was short, like 60 hours or so. So maybe it was the fact they took me out and put me back in several times, testing if I would breath on my own.
And to be totally honest, I don’t know why I was not breathing in the first place.
You can read more about what happened in the other thread about my recovery, but yeah, I noticed a lot more bright lights and colors. beyond that, nothing like voices or figures, just colors. I did not see any gates or a distinct spot where a white light was coming from, but I also don’t know if I was ever really “near death” for this coma.
So it may be that I was not near death, and I was taken out of it more then once that speaks to all the activity I felt / saw, nothing more??


I have Deja Vu all the time. I will dream of someone, Deja Vu it always involves people for me, than a month or so later I will live through the scene and conversation exactly as I dreamed it. But it’s always been mundane stuff.

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@Wombat-metal , i had never read this. That’s quite a thing. I’m truly glad You are still with us! However or who ever helped, I’m glad they did!

This strikes me, as I’ve has the stress test with the injection- there is NO feeling like it. I remember saying " oh, that suuucks " and then waking up. Not near your story at all, but i feel for you.

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I get that this is an old thread, but since i have had to stop working as of today, I’m bored as heck and am reading these.

I’ve had a couple. One was a cxcxxne xvxrdoxe, that one was all me. It was a terrible moment at a terrible time. Why i lived? Couldn’t say. Did it stop me or change my ways? Sadly, no. It did not. It took a lot more suffering before i learned a really simple lesson-paul shouldn’t use dxuxs. At all.

The other wasnt my fault i was hit from behind by an industrial construction forklift. A terex 666 to be exact. It hit me at travel speed with the right front tire. I was carrying an 8’ folding ladder and maybe that saved me? It hit from my left kidney to my left ankle. I could count the tire tread bruises for a couple months.
I woke up with a broken left wrist. Directly between the two tires on the right side of the machine.
I’ve always heard your life flashes before your eyes- mine didn’t. There was no wishing i had taken my kids to Disneyland one more time or wanting to tell my wife how much i loved her.
There was only one thought. “Oh, f*ck. I’m done”
Again, why am i here? Don’t know. Couldn’t say.

What i know for sure? This life is ALWAYS too short. Make the best of every moment, because we simply aren’t promised any more of them.