Needs help with Warwick

That is a beautiful bass. I shopped Warwick pretty hard before my last purchase, but the 20" radius scared me away. Let us know how it goes.

Edit: Just to muddy the waters a bit

Ok he’s sending the invoice so I guess it’s officials. I’m now a proud guardian of this $$



I actually prefer flatter necks - you should try and see :slight_smile:

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Yeah I agree, flatter is fun. Less finger pressure and quite comfortable. That’s the selling point to me. Since @EddieJones is getting a bongo I’m not gonna let him get one pass me on my thread, lol.

Through trial and error, I found 12” to be the flattest radius I can go, comfortably. Too flat cramps me up.

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Not gonna lie, fender American deluxe dimension 9-16* compound radius is really great.

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Correction, Stingray Special 4H

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Snowy white?

Frost Green Pearl

Frost Green Pearl

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They were out of white. Green in stock aside from a couple of 4HH. Consensus here was 4H for Stingray tones. I went with what they had. Andy cut another 10% off price and made it a no brainer

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I flattest I own is 14", and to be honest I prefer the 11" on my stingrays. I don’t necessarily mind the 14", but notice that I have a sense of ease and comfort when I put it down and pick up the 11"

That isn’t to say I wouldn’t be comfortable if @Al1885 let me borrow his Warwick for a week :wink:


I’ll let you know how the Venti works for me, and @AnotherJosh any time as long as it’s not the first week, :joy:


How many basses do you have now? I’m trying to catch up

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Oh man I was going to get the green shade instead of blue we’d have had a very similar color bought on the same hour, lol.


You are almost there, I’m just shy of 50 just sold 4 last week.

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You have more in stock than my Guitar Center :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Hell yeah he does. Damn!

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6 of my premiums are in Thailand, supposedly in a locked case and climate control room at my brother’s house. His wife’s childhood best friends is a big time producer there. The last time I was there my Ken Smith has more fingerprints than a CSI fingerprint exam, :joy: