New amp modeler (and tone capture?) pedal - ToneX

So, trying to revive this thread a bit…

One year after (pretty much), and there are more and more amp and compressor models available for the ToneX now. Has anyone used this pedal for an extended time? Experiences?

@Paul , do you still own yours? How do you like it and have you tested the newer captures/models??

I still believe it’s a great purchase, especially for those interested in diverse amp and cab simulations, but there are now so many alternatives worth considering, such as TwoNotes, Kemper, Boss, etc.

Personally I still prefer a dedicated amp in a box pedal which just one preamp model and different IR/cab options over ToneX.

To be honest, I haven’t played much music lately. Right now, I have a preference for playing bass or guitar on my Katana amp whenever I find some free time and energy.

Sorry for the bad review. Maybe I will check it out again later this year.


Is there a new Kemper out there?? As a pedal? And somewhat affordable??

Also, do any of these have the same extensive library of profiles and captures as is available on ToneLib?

Just wondering…

Kemper and TwoNotes offer an extensive library and software. For Boss I think you need the IR-200, but I like the simplicity and form factor of the 2 much better.

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Thanks, I need to dive into those some more…
Had no idea that Kemper had a pedal out now as well…

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Think it was announced last month. Curious to see some comparisons videos between those brands.

I’m holding my GAS because I already got a Tonex :crazy_face:


Can’t play a cab sim through a cab unless ………

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This. I’d have a hard time fitting this on a board as big as it is without a DI.

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