New amp modeler (and tone capture?) pedal - ToneX

Do I need one of those???


no blend knob and no di out for $400. i wouldn’t. plus is it just me or is anyone else getting sick of bass amp modelers that seem to focus exclusively on the same group of amps and cabs from the 60s/70s?


Maybe that is what everybody (or, at least, the majority) wants but can’t afford as a real unit!?!

What is cool is that you can tone capture all kinds of devices (effects, other amps, cabs, …) and share with others and thus also download what others have captured (which should likely include more modern (pre)amps, effects and so on). So, you likely wouldn’t even have to capture yourself unless you want to capture your unique, specific rig.

Yes, that is a drawback. On the other hand, it is cheaper than the Quad Cortex and the HX Stomp…


You can use the leftmost knob as a blend knob, that one can toggle between a list of parameters.


yeah it is. and you can probably dry/wet blend in the individual settings. no di out always bothers me on something like this, how much extra can it really cost to put one on, like $15? i mean this thing is kind of begging to be thrown into a duffel bag and taken to a gig as a one box solution. myself i would rather spend an extra $200 and get a stomp, but i’m a fanboy of course. and to be truthful, the stomp doesn’t have a balanced xlr di out either. the tonex is a nice unit and it sounds really good. the upside is if you want to do your own modeling which is cool. i would love to see some modern amps and cabs on it, throw a few DG/aguilar sims on it.




Hmm they probably want you to get the ToneX capture device for that purpose. Seems like marketing tried to be smart :expressionless:


Capture happens via your computer and their software (so no extra hardware), and apparently you get the software for free when you buy the pedal

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Yeah it seems like a good deal to me, the software looks good too!

Sorry I was talking about this device if you want to capture your rig, I got a little bit confused between the two: TONEX Capture


Yes, I am also still trying to fully wrap my head around this… but it seems you can do capture with any standard audio interface and their software and utilizing whatever processing power your laptop can spare.

Watching more YT videos and reading what I can find :smile:


This pedal is fully focussed on amps & cabs + reverb. If you want a multi-effect you should go with the stomp which has all the “pedal” effects but lacks on the choices of amps imo.

For me this device would be more interesting… Still 469 euros ain’t that cheap either.


That is also what intrigued me most… I have tried a multi-effects pedal and couldn’t quite make it work for me. Besides, you can capture your favorite effects (any setting of it anyway), if you wanted to and bring that into the pedal.

I guess many multi-effects pedals (esp. for guitar) don’t even bother to include fuzz, OD and distortion, because they know that everyone has their favorite pedals for that anyway.

That’s not nothing for sure. In fact, it seems harsh to ask for 470 Eurobucks when it costs 400 dollars in the US. So, it should really cost 370 Euros.


Yeah this “inflation” pricing in Europe has bothering me for quite a while now. Usually 400 dollar == 400 euros

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Isn’t that the usual: Prices in Europe are including sales tax, prices in US are often without the sales tax?

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I guess you’re right :smile:

In fact, if the capture software truly is included, then that whole package would be a steal indeed… the software sells for around 150 Eur (w/o tax) on its own :open_mouth:

I need to do a bit more research here…

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This device reminds me of Boss IR200.
Boss doesn’t come with software package, but it is cheaper.

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Only 3 bass amps compared to infinite. I would go for the ToneX

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I wouldn’t go for either of them. Just saying :slight_smile:

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Actually I almost bought it used for really cheap. Kinda regret not doing it :man_shrugging:t2:


I watched the video yesterday. Am I misunderstanding terminology here? I have a HX Stomp which is a modeler. I think this looks like a profiler i.e Kemper. So it’s coming at the solution from a different angle.