New BassBuzz Content?

I’m starting module 10 and I’m wondering if there are any plans in the works to expand content into something like an intermediate course or a course that focuses only on theory and songwriting as a sort of add on to the b2b foundational course? I would totally spend money for more bassbuzz content that will continue to help me become the best musician/bassist/band member I can be.


@RemoteOutpost There has been a lot of talk about this but Josh hasn’t given us any concrete information yet.

I suggest checking out this thread… What Would You Like To See In The Next Course

Or here… Name for Josh's Advanced Course?


Yes, someday! How’s that for concrete information? :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously - yes, I have many intentions to do all kinds of cool intermediate stuff. Turning intention into reality is a process requiring a lot of time and attention, which I’m currently putting into getting our Youtube channel cooking and some other bits and pieces.

But keep bothering me. :slight_smile:


@JoshFossgreen Could you do a youtube video on walking basslines please


It’s on my list!


@studio: in preparation for the walking bass lines, I suggest you start to learn arpeggios (major 7, minor 7, dominant 7, half-diminished 7, …) as knowledge of these forms the basis for “constructing” walking bass lines. It is a long process to built muscle and other memory for all those arpeggios, in all keys, and preferably over the entire fretboard… I have still only scratched the surface… but, ultimately, very well worth the effort, IMHO :smile:


Im still waiting and getting anxious to use you advanced course for moving past the Beginner to BadAss. Please consider charging more for that course I would pay and you might get to bug to get with it sooner. struggling with the song book, Arpeggios, Powercords is getting dull–I even started to learn to read music. Help us struggling beginning intermediates

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Amen, @joergkutter. Chord tones, arpeggios and approach tones are a must for walking bass line understanding and playing.