Rebel Bass:
You can rock that space bass all day man!
The Bootsy bass is amazing for sure.
I just wish I didn’t dislike J pickups
Five outputs, and a MIDI in to control the lights
Ooh I like that.
B.C. Rich Warlock:
B.C. Rich Widow:
B.C. Rich Zombie Revenge:
It doesn’t get (a lot) more metal than this
Oh, and a beauty from Hamer played by my dude Tom Peterson of Cheap Trick
Cool! Both he and Rick Nielsen had some really unusual guitars.
For sure, those guys have insane collections!
The Ampeg AUB-1 Fretless Scroll Bass. I saw Michael Been of The Call (also Rick Danko of The Band) play one and fell in love. Was fortunate enough to eventually get my hands on one. Had it restored to original specs by Bruce Johnson who still restores them and makes his own.
what a funny bass !
Got this.
Ashbury bass it’s what got me wanting to learn a bass. Once I complete the course I will get one and go back thru the course with this weird thing
I love it!
I was doing research on Ampeg basses and came across Bruce Johnson and his website showing all his work. It’s pretty cool that you’ve had a chance to work with him.
Yeah, Bruce does great work. When I found it in a local music store, it was painted metallic blue and was fretted. Bruce stripped it down, put on an ebony fretless fretboard and painted it the beautiful red/black burst. I no longer have the bass and when I sold it, it was someone who knew Bruce’s work, so that made me feel good that they could appreciate the quality.
He is so good. I mean they all are, but he and Mothersbaugh stood out to me.
Love Devo, love Gerald V., love Bob’s ‘Spudcaster’ too!
@BillJr Cool that you’ve had a chance to play one of these. What did you think of it?