Other hobbies?

Oh totally - if I were running a stable any kid wanting to do riding lessons would first have to do groundwork - if only to get some respect for the horses. :slight_smile:


Wow - like barrels and stuff ?


Extreme Cowboy is a bit of everything - bridges, water, gates, cows, barrels, roping, dragging, jumps, various scary things, etc. You never know what the course will include. The main objective is to demonstrate good horsemanship, good training and control, and good decision making in the moment. It’s popular in my area (west Quebec) so there have been a number of clinics with top people in the discipline - a few locals have gone on to compete in the global competitions, but most people just like it for the horsemanship. They call it the Cowboy Up Challenege during the Calgary Stampede - it’s one of the more polished competitions and you can find a lot of the runs on YouTube - it’s a fun one to watch :slight_smile:


Hey all,
Well my hobbies are the following spending time with my animals as most humans make my head hurt.
My passion is public speaking and advocating about mental health raising awareness and breaking the stigma caused over the years.
I am a roadie and sound tech for a friends band which was one of passions I have always wanted to be since a little kid. The Band is called Loose Endz if you are from Perth come and see them they are a cover band.
Enjoying nature and having native plants for for birds to come and be close to me.


Those are some nice hobbies :slight_smile:


The single most imporant issue that gets the worst care from our medical system, IMO. We were (once again) talking about this today at home. Thank you for the work you do.


Wow - I just about got to the point where I could go for a gentle hack with an instructor… You watch out now :wink:


When my folks still had their farm, I had horses, and I worked for a local sport horse stable as well.

In the fall, in November, local horsey folks would organize Sunday rides across fields and along snowmobile trails. Each week a different family would put the ride on starting at their farm.

The organizers would set up jumping obstacles and barrels to do clovers around. Of course we rode English not Western, but it was a lot of fun. We’d start the ride on a Sunday with a glass of sherry, and then afterwards the host would um… host a big dinner for everyone. It’s a greatand treasured memory of mine. I still have a picture of me on a dapple gray mare called Lady with the initial sherry in my hand.


That sounds pretty cool. A lot of stables in Poland celebrate St Hubert’s day around this time of year. The details vary but generally everyone gets a glass of vodka and goes out for a hack. When they get back they play “catch the fox” - one rider has a fake fox tail attached to their back and the other riders have to catch them and pull the tail off. The winner gets a prize (and is fox next year) and everyone goes off for a party. Great fun but there’s usually a couple of minor injuries …


My hobbies include drinking whiskey and hanging out with my cat…


Looks like you are hunting again… :rofl:, or do you do everything naked down there?


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: I’m in the same boat and refuse to believe the crappy food I make is really that crappy.

Also, sorry to hear about your wife and I hope her recovery goes quicker than you’d hoped. Maybe this time you and your wife can take turns being the chef of the house.


LMAO Drinking whiskey and hanging out with your cat? But then your dog gives you that cat face when you take the picture. Nailed it better than military camouflage.

You’re definitely drinking whiskey. I mix up my cat and dog all the time when I’m drinking too. It’s an honest mistake.


Other hobbies outside music - I write horror novels, do nature photography, wheel my Jeep offroad, amatuer astronomy, play dungeons and dragons, when I was younger I did LARP (live action role playing) and spent a few summers as an actor at Renn Faires, bred saltwater clownfish, read sci fi, movie buff. I think that’s it


Are you still smoking the fancy ceegars @Lanny ?


As long as you’re having a good time, and that no animals were injured during the photography . . . :wink:



I collect and play a lot a lotta board games. It’s been harder the past couple years to get people together for larger games but when I manage it, it’s always a good time.

Also dabbled in designing my own board games as I went to school for (video) game design but now work as a software engineer, which leaves something to be desire on the creative front. Bass helps a lot with this too. :metal:


Oof. I LARPed once and decided it wasn’t for me. I’ll stick with my tabletop and dice, thankyouverymuch. :smiley:


What, no Monopoly, Clue or Sorry? :laughing:

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I met a lot of interesting people larping. Ting, who’s father was a general in Chiang Kai Sheck’s army. Martin, who could make anything with his hands. Saw him make a bridge once with a chainsaw and a forest. He makes his living writing Star Trek novels. Bill, who wrote a Clue board game spinoff, Brad who invented the machine that builds milk cartons with the plastic spout on the side.

Super creative community. There was a talent show once and Marta and I did a scene from Romeo and Juliet. I was Juliet. Lot of memories.