Our bass milestones for 2022

After finishing B2B in January, I have begun lessons irl and joined a band, so I can consider my bass path quite successful - and/or lucky :grin: - as these were the goals set for the year.
Also, the two bands I “auditioned” for had (at least) another guy interested in joining, and while in one case I got ditched obviously in the second case I was picked, which makes me… an average bassist?
(ofc I’m still well below average :rofl: but it’s still a good feeling being preferred to somebody else)

The group I joined is not interested in playing gigs, mostly hanging out and having fun being as loud as possible, which is perfectly fine for now. I have however sort of developed an itch already, the idea to get out and play in front of an audience is strangely appealing… but maybe this should go in another topic, something like “hopes for 2023” :sunglasses:


One step at a time, brother. You’re working it exactly right. You will hone your chops with your buds in ways you can’t imagine. Then, when the opportunity to play live with a band comes up, you’ll crush it. Keep on keepin’ on. :rocket:


I got into a band, which was definitely a 2022 milestone :smiley:


Congratulations!!! :piñata: :sparkler: :tada:


Congratulations on getting to play with others. I reckon Auditions are the only time you need to compare yourself with others (in fact you don’t need to - others will do the comparing. Other than that, just check you’re on the journey you want to be on. Forget this I’m below average. What’s average? There’s no such thing. All this x is a better musician than y, is fun for YouTube, but meaningless in the real world. The only person you should compare yourself to is your yesterday self.
It’s great you’ve got the itch to play live. You may be surprised to know many people who love playing music, never have any desire to play live (and I’m not talking about people who are nervous of appearing in front of an audience). But for those of us that want to do it, it’s an itch that has to be scratched!


I don’t worry too much about comparison. I was just joking about the 50% success rate of my applications :smile:

I played in front of an audience before, beginning in school with the “final essay/performance” (I’m not sure how to translate it properly, but it should make sense, does it?) after each classical guitar course. And then I often played the guitar as an accompaniment to singing - mostly in informal situations.
I guess that it took the sting out the concern of playing a new instrument with other people. Playing in front of other people, on the other hand, still feels quite a leap at the moment. We’ll see how it goes :grin:

Also, staying on the milestone topic, it’s only partially related and not specific to 2022. but I am very proud of it: I now manage to discuss about music, take lessons and - at least occasionally - enjoying it, in German. English is my second language and German is the third one, and oh God how difficult it is to learn it as an adult. Bass in comparison is a lot of fun :rofl:

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Wow! That’s admirable and impressive. All this and bass too! I’ve never managed to work hard enough to manage other languages. I hide behind the rather weak excuse that music is the universal langage :wink:


I’d like to not let my mental health take over my bass aspirations.
The self-sabotaging of a very rushing self that can’t grasp that things take time; also sometimes when I see lessons and almost nothing is on the genre I’m familiar with, and it feels as if I play for another person rather myself.
I’ve been struggling the last years, finding a path, and staying on it. Been starting and quitting on my bass a hundred times since I got my first back in 2010. ADHD doesn’t help either.
I might be decent one day, to play roots and fifths on rhythm, or maybe I could even transpose a song I can’t find anything for it.
Same goes for my acoustic guitar aspirations.
Sorry if that was heavy


This is an admirable goal. Just knowing and understanding that mental health issues/conditions are obstacles and not some sort of moral failing is half the battle, at least in my experience. It is tough, especially when your brain cosplays as Loki while you’re trying to take your playing seriously.

You aren’t asking for advice, so instead I will say: if I could grant you a wish, it would be that you are able to treat yourself with compassion. Give yourself some slack, and celebrate every win, no matter how small or simple.


That’s a great milestone to shoot for.

One thing to keep in mind about a lesson that has a song in a genre or style that you don’t know or like: The song is just an exercise. It is a way learn a particular bass playing technique or concept.

To work through it is a way to stretch yourself, to reach beyond what you already know.

Each of us is different and we all like kinds of music that others may not. That’s OK. That makes us individuals.

But working through the lessons will teach you new things you can use to play bass for the music you like - for yourself.


@Gio love the Star Wars reference bud. Well played!

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@kristine Is spot on here. I really like the way she
Put that into focus.

If i can add anything at all without sounding like *ss, it would be to celebrate any victory. To me, it seems like the idea of doing something successfully is Aggregate. If i can do one thing now i couldn’t do then, or if i can do one thing better than i did before-that’s progress.


This was my path years ago with sax.
@NocturnalPulse, one thing to consider, don’t force it, let it come when it’s ready, when you get the idea that it’s what you want to do. Sure, there are times when you will be discouraged and have to press on, but this isn’t that. This is more about the internal drive that says “I want to do this”. And don’t be afraid to never come back to it. Passion plays a role.

In the very simplified but accurate words of Adam Carolla “If it doesn’t make you happy, or money, don’t do it”


Means a bunch kristine, trying to not being harsh, and learning to celebrate even the little things! <3

Yeah that’s how I’m thinking of it too, an exercise to be more versatile and learn techniques that aren’t just chug chug chug chug in 8ths and 16ths hehe. It’s a bit sad (or not, depending how you see it) that I will need to learn to do things by ear, to play some songs from my favorite genres that aren’t so mainstream… And depending on my current level it seems so so so hard! XD

I definitely agree. It’s a passion that keeps me coming back, but doesn’t let me evolve to something better, rather than always staying a novice. And I don’t want to be a novice anymore. So in a way I need to force it, even 10 minutes per day. It’s so stupid learning one song and playing one song for a year lol I could have done so much more. I could be so much better, but idk, I am for sure don’t put the strength as I should’ve.
Also Adam Carolla’s quote is awesome and very accurate.


I’m putting in like 2 hours a day for a year now in an attempt to just feel adequate with my bass…


My last bass milestone of the year:

It wasn’t really planned, but a lucky set of circumstances brought us on stage last week, and with an excellent audio service for us only, the other band dropped :smile:
Technically, one could complain that we played for free (and still, we collected some 200 Euros in donations), but it was amazing as my first experience playing bass in front of an audience.
I’m not sure how it could improve from there - except for my playing :sweat_smile: