Pedals, what’s a good starting point?

There are pedals other than Boss and Darkglass? Why?


cough Big Muff, Bass Clone/Clone Theory :slight_smile:

Don’t leave EHX out.

But yeah - you can go a long way even with just a Vintage Microtubes.


great now I have to buy an ehx…thanks…


Electro-Harmonix makes so much good stuff. Have fun :slight_smile:

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EHX is also not that expensive. If I had to start all over I would probably look more at EHX stuff :smiley:


Also don’t forget the Tech21 stuff. Their Sansamp is used by a few bassists. Duff McKagan and Jason Newsted use the bass driver, Justin Chancellor the GT-2.


A few? I think this could easily be the most sold pedal out there. With good reason they are amazing.


Though if you just want the SansAmp, the Behringer clone of the v1 is perfect, and $35 :slight_smile:

But the Tech21 VT Bass DI is one of the best pedals on the market IMO. Probably the only pedal I would stack up against the Vintage Microtubes in terms of overall tone and versatility. Or at least the only one I have owned.

Ironically still not my favorite preamp though.

3 Likes I would love to buy this one day … 1173 and bass is really tasty for my ears


This and the B7K make me extremely happy.

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Yeah same here, that’s why I picked the VU over VT. Didn’t knew I would end up with the B7K as well. Those pedals are crazy expensive right now!


I had no idea pedals would go up in price more than buying art.


Anyone have any experience with Dogman Pedals? I’m interested in their Earth and Fire Fuzz pedals.


OK I have a bunch of new pedals but I’m not sure how to set them up. Two are on the way and should be here tomorrow and Friday. What order should I use?

  1. Donner Tuner
  2. Boss CEB-3 (because Amazon was out of the Bass Clone)
  3. Boss GT-1B Effects
  4. MXR Dyna Comp
  5. Bass Rig
  6. Stax Bass EQ

The GT-1B is a big honking monster and takes up most of the space on my Guitto GPB pedalboard, but there’s plenty of room. I’d like to move the GT-1B to the upper part due to the fact that all of the cords are in the back of the unit where the others are mostly on the sides.

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They don’t have to go in order on your board (and rarely do).
They go how they fit.
How you cable them is a different story.
Of course many opinions, and what you are looking to do, but this is a pretty good guide to start with….


Would the Bass Rig be considered a pre-amp in my case then? It looks like right now it would go tuner-EQ-Bass Rig-Dyna Comp-chorus-GT-1B…putting everything in the chain correctly is what I’m looking to do.

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I would put the compressor right after the tuner.

I would also put the chorus after anything except reverb and delay.

Having a mix of real pedals and the GT-1B really complicates things, as the GT-1B contains many effects.


Stupid question, but where would something like the Sansamp fit in with pedals?

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I think I’d treat any preamp like an amp, so I’d put it at the end of the chain. But let’s wait what the pedal experts have to say…


Tuner > Comp > EQ > GT > Chorus > bassrig

You need to decide what to do with the GT. I would use it for od, dist, fuzz, etc. since you are lacking any kind of dirt in your chain. You can also decide to turn off the pedals on the left side and use the GT patches (comp, eq, wah, pitch shifter, octaver, etc.) instead ORRRR the pedals on the right side (chorus, delay, reverb, amp/cab sims, etc.). Having it in the middle gives you most flexibility. Generally speaking the standalone pedals do a better job.

This way you can still use wah/volume pedal too. So…

Dynamics < GT > Tone

It’s really too bad that the GT does’t have a FX loop that would solve the delay/reverb after chorus problem. But that’s a minor issue rn.

Most common is at the end of you chain. The bassrig and sansamp are also DI boxes. I treat them as my amp.