Plugins I Have Known And Loved

TIL the free kilohearts compressor has sidechain functionality


Their free plugins are some of the best you can get bar none. A lot of it didn’t used to be free.


I can’t remember whether we also had a “deals” thread somewhere…

But, if you don’t already have certain UJAM plug-ins (virtual musicians, drummers, synths, effects), there is a really good deal going on right now:

  • 10 plug-ins for 49 $ or
  • 20 plug-ins for 99 $

Big savings indeed; the only caveat is that you can’t choose the individual plug-ins, but if you only need two or three (and don’t already own them), you already save a lot of money!

RX Elements is on sale for ca. 70 USD - is this an OK deal, @howard ? Thx!

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I’ve seen it for lower but that’s not bad. It’s $65 on PluginBoutique right now.

I think the lowest I have seen is around $50 but that was back in the RX8 or 9 timeframe.

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Note that you can get the entire Elements Suite for not much more than that too., about $110 for RX, Ozone, Neutron and Nectar Elements.

Yes, that’s the one I saw as well (just in Euros; and here it was 68… who knows why the difference?).

Ah, yes, but I am not really sure I “need” these other plug-ins… :wink:

You actually don’t, as you have Logic’s mastering assistant, and Pro-Q. Assuming you have compressors/limiters (like the Logic builtins) you’re fine. Neutron is a great track channel strip/EQ but you can do what it does with what you have.

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Yep, I also have Pro-C, so I am good on compression also…

I am really mostly keen on the audio repair options of RX :smile:

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Cool, you’re all set then.

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Hey @howard! Any good guitar (as an instrument) plugin recommendation? I’m currently looking into NI’s Electric Mint


I just picked up a couple of UVI’s guitar instruments for Falcon but do not have any opinions yet.

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I’ll look into them!

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Mostly I got them because I had the coupons from buying Falcon - I would wait for a sale :rofl:

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I own their Electric Vintage, but I have to admit that I find the whole Kontakt interface a bit clunky. I guess if you have a full size NI keyboard with color assignments, using these plug-ins becomes more “efficient”. I have used the guitar plug-in and got OK results (the sounds are good; great for a lot of rock and blues stuff, I guess); I just found it cumbersome to use.
That said, I am sure you can get more out of it if you invest some time learning it properly.

I like the UJAM guitars a bit more; and they have sales more often - down to 20€ sometimes (like now; at least for some of them… I think they have 5 different guitar plug-ins)

Still, some of the same caveats regarding how easy it is to program them also hold true here.


Ow, that sounds interesting and with an interesting price, for sure.

Taking a look! Thanks Joerg!


Jeez… PluginBoutique is a whole other level of GAS. In other words, I bought AMBER 2… and some other stuff :sweat_smile:


Not to mention the free stuff

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For 20 € it is a no-brainer. Of course, you can test-drive most of their other products before you need to shell out any money!
Also, watch out for extra offers you might be getting now by mail, like “complete your virtual guitar collection” (as mentioned, I think there are 5 different virtual guitar plug-ins).

But, yes, it’s another dangerous rabbit-hole :wink: