First, congrats on your first cover! It usually takes me weeks to feel comfortable with a song before recording…
Does this mean there is NO bassline on the original?? Or, did you want to add your own?? Also, when you say “improvise”, did you make it up on the fly as you recorded or did you have some ideas/sketches beforehand based on the chords??
I stripped the original bass out of the song as best I could using @terb method
By improvise, I mean I didn’t have a bassline written down or planned. I just played the root notes (according to the chords) and added arpeggios and walking basslines on the fly. It was totally improv, although I did have a couple of ideas of what I wanted to do. I practiced my ideas several times before recording.
This song is incredibly easy to learn, as it only uses 3 notes throughout the song… D, G, C in that order. I just had to create the fills and move it around the fret board to make it interesting.
That’s very modest to be fair @PamPurrs
I’ve been messing about with a piece of music that is missing a few bars of bass line at the end of it and as of yet I’ve got no further than using the root notes after a good few weeks of going back and forth with it.
The fact that you not only played your own bass line to the song using root notes but also improvised the fills is really impressive imho.
It’s a massive step to post something @architecht13 BUT having someone listen and help where they can is a real plus in a person’s learning curve.
I’m still really not 100% happy with anything I play. Even the simple stuff can sound off to me and it can sometimes makes me “ throw my teddy out of my pram”.
For people I honestly consider my peers to kindly listen and voice their opinions without any mean criticism is a real boost to me personally and pushes me to try to improve.
yeah the video format is just an ornament to make the cover more fun and interesting to watch, but what really matters is of course the audio track ! we’re musicians, not actors so an audio track is perfectly fine, and if you want to make a video it’s just even more cool
@Mac I appreciate the kind words. Since joining the forum here, I’ve had a ton of stuff that kept me from doing the lessons properly- from pain from my back to stupid family drama, it’s held me back a little.
I know I should just take it as an “I’ll get there.” thought process, but it’s hard when you’re disappointed with your progress or lack of regardless of the circumstances. I think we get annoyed when we don’t see any progress, but I think it’s an annoyance with a real reason behind it rather than acting out like a kid who put no work into something and expected a ton of results.
Thank you for the morning clarity, it actually helped!
(The playing in the recording is a bit crap, though haha. Entry one to track progress!)
Okay so it’s 2.52am here in Oz ,I’ve played with through once and with the exception of the last 4 notes which I stuffed upsets not too shabby. Creep by Radiohead played on my Fender P with flat wound La Bellas and through the Zoom B1four using the Sans Amp Clean setting
I like your groove and phrasing and your dynamics - pretty well done!
I am not sure whether the recording level is almost too high - it seems to distort a bit (but that might be from the effect settings!?) Also, some tuning issue!?! The A string sounds a bit out of tune… (it’s seems noticeable to me when you play the B and C there…) But, those are all peanuts - well played, I would say
that’s great @Mac ! I can’t really judge the tone and the mix, but your playing sounds very good, as far as I can tell with the temporary backup computer speakers I’m listening with.
Great job @Mac,
Sounds really cool, nice timing throughout
The effects are what are giving you that sound, I think it worked really nicely with the song, and I agree with your own suggestion on the last 4 notes🥴, most important thing is you know where it was, I have done a couple of covers that I have erased and started again after 20 times cuz I wasn’t happy with what I did🤔
Cheers Brian
Thank you gentlemen
I’ve really got to get on top of this phaser effect as it’s starting to really irritate me lol
The A string may be a little out as I did trip over the lead and pull the bass of off the seat it was sat up on just before this. I was quick to access the damage ( there was none) but never even thought about the tuning @joergkutter
I love this song @terb and quite a few more by the band.
And the last 4 notes were appalling @TNKA36 I’m blaming the cocktail of sleeping tablets and psychiatrists drugs.
I’m going to have a look at what cables I need to link my laptop to behringer BDI21 today . I’m hoping I will be able to work out how to remove the original bass line using this set up
Hi Bass Buzz Friends,
Please find link below to my latest cover.
I decided to do another Chris Issak track.
I kinda like the easy laid back melodic music and enjoy improvising my bass lines to suit.
As usual, all feedback is appreciated.
Keep on Rocking.
Cheers Brian.