Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Thanks Eric @eric.kiser, @joergkutter @sfadams,
Thanks for the feedback, I loved doing the cover, and the write up on the song was something I didn’t even know until I had done the research on it.
It’s amazing where artists get their inspiration from, I loved the story.
Happy that you enjoyed it,

Keep on rocking
Cheers Brian


Nailed the song, well played!

Nice deep, rich sound you’re getting out of that neck pickup. I think I would definitely want the HH if I got a 'ray. It sounds like you put the flats on there already? They work well with that configuration, better than I would have expected on a Stingray.


Thanks Howard @howard,
Thanks for the feedback, it’s got rounds on it, I have the flats ready to go, but after doing the cover I’m liking the sound of the rounds, so I may leave them on it, the only thing is I don’t know what they are :thinking:
Cheers Brian


Oh interesting! It sounded great, yet not as bright as I was expecting for a Stingray with rounds. Again maybe the neck pup. In any case I think it has awesome tone just like it is :slight_smile:


Hi Howard @howard,
I had it set in the middle using both pickups, I did experiment with single front,front, rear front and rear single and rear, but went with both as the tone was really nice, I played with it into the peavey mark 3 head through David Eden 15” and really liked the middle set up for the balanced tone, I also tried different resting positions, on front pickup, rear pickup , and ended up on the rear as I liked the tone, it’s amazing how much difference there is between where you rest your finger and the tones you get🤔.
The stingray is a very cool bass to play, although it is a lot heavier than either of my P-basses
Cheers Brian


Wow that’s surprising, as even P-basses feel pretty heavy to me. I’m used to four kilo or lighter basses.


It’s a lot heavier than the both P’s Howard @howard, you should get into one of the shops in Tokyo and have a feel, you will be surprised.
Cheers Brian


I’ll try and find an HH next time I am out, yeah. I don’t remember other ones feeling so heavy; I’ve never tried an EBMM though.


There was a time when it was hard getting people to post on this thread.

Today, I thought it was interesting to see that there have been over 2,000 posts in this thread since 1 April 2020.


When it arrived from the US the other month, I had a bit of a muck around with it Howard @howard, but I wasn’t really a fan​:thinking:, that’s why I did “Seasons in the sun” with the P-bass, but I’ve really given it a chance with this song and have grown to love the neck on it, it’s really smooth :sunglasses:,and today was the first time I’d plugged it into an amp so I could really have a listen to it and get a good feel for it, and I will be honest, it’s a really nice instrument, is it a P-bass , NO , but it has a lot of other things about it that make it really nice.
One thing I have noticed is it is really balanced nicely compared to the P-basses when you have the shoulder strap on🤔
Would I recommend it, YES, but keep in mind it is heavier than a P-bass
Cheers Brian


Great song, great cover @TNKA36 Brian! You nailed it beautifully. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
I give it five hammers!
PS: I love the tone. I can’t wait for my Ray 24H to come in.


Thanks Jerry, @JerryP,
It was a fun song to cover, and I really enjoyed doing the research on its origins.
Cheers Brian


They are really nicely balanced Jerry @JerryP,
That’s what I did notice between it and the my P-basses👍
Cheers Brian


very nice cover Brian @TNKA36 , I’m not a big fan of the Stingray tone but you managed to get a very nice tone on this one ! also that’s an interesting bass line


@b.s.excavations RE: Angel of Harlem:

Great cover of a great song. Adam Clayton is one of my favorite bassists, right up there with Timothy B. Schmit. You did a nice job!

My only criticism (which I mentioned on your last cover) your bass keeps on going after the song has faded out. It’s more of a post production issue than a playing issue , so it doesn’t effect my opinion of your skill at playing the bass.


@eric.kiser It took me over a year of learning and practicing before I turned my attention to learning songs and recording covers, despite the fact that I had acquired all the recording hardware long before that. I notice that some of the newer Buzzers are moving into covers a lot sooner than I did, which is awesome. The more covers I see others post, the more I want to make more.


Thanks Laurent @terb and Pam @PamPurrs,
I do like to let my bass line run out on the recording’s just to ensure I can express my own style on the songs.
Adam Clayton is right up there with what I like, not sure if he will ever be Timothy B Schmitt, but very good IMO.
But I do love “The Eagles”.
Thanks for the feedback, it’s appreciated.
Cheers Brian


I blame U2 for that one. Song mixes with fade-out endings are a pet peeve of mine; to me it feels like basically laziness for not writing an end for the song. Either laziness on the part of the band writing a song that they can’t write a good ending for, or laziness on the part of the producer that went for the fade-out without having the band re-record the ending for the shorter mix of the song. Either way, it’s a technique that irritates me.

Somehow it became popular in pop and rock in the '70s; thankfully, it’s mostly died out.


Keep them coming Pam @PamPurrs,
I think this is the best thread on the forum​:+1::sunglasses:
Cheers Brian


I think the song fade out had more to do with getting air play. DJ’s preferred songs with fade outs since it made for a smoother transition from song to song. They also didn’t like songs that started having lyrics right at the beginning because they had to stop talking before starting the song. Part of being a good DJ was having smooth transitions and songs with abrupt starts and stops made that difficult.

Source: I’ve known some DJ’s from back when radio ruled.