Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Yeah it’s super interesting and totally makes sense in the context that they were trying to make a song, not provide a platform for people to rip out the bass and play along with the band :slight_smile:

So if it was convenient to speed up or drag the tapes slightly to help mix parts, or if the solo guitarist was a little out of tune when they were the only instrument playing, or if everyone is out of tune so they can tune to the singer’s voice (which I bet has happened more than once), why not?

Totally understandable, really. The recent trend of playing covers over original backing tracks is not exactly the kind of thing someone keeps in mind when mixing a song.


Here’s a quick and dirty cover of Robert Palmer’s ‘Addicted to Love’. Simple beginner’s track, but handy to give the new Sandberg a spin.


Another great cover @PamPurrs . The time and effort you’ve put in to all of your covers is really great motivation for the rest of us.


One of my favourite tunes @sfadams . A real blast from the 80’s :sunglasses:


Well done @sfadams
That’s a lot of quick licks!


Great job @sfadams.

This was one of my favorite songs and video back in the MTV days.


Thanks @PamPurrs. You are kinda to blame for this. It was when i saw your Doors video backdrop with all the ladies, I was reminded of that Robert Palmer video!


@PamPurrs So, our friend Glen just confirmed @howard @juli0r @Noisembryo 's theory about old recordings…and perhaps why on modern recordings you don’t here it as much…


As soon as she started playing it threw me off balance and I know why. Yes, her performance is a bit flatter sounding but that’s not the main issue.

This is how original goes:


And she’s playing this:

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I’m getting to like Glen more and more every time I watch one of his videos. He’s rough around the edges, but quite informative and entertaining.
I love his shirt: “Professional Turd Polisher” LOL


Very well done @sfadams ! Great tone.


I said it on your site, but will say it here too as it is well deserved…

ALWAYS awesome Pam! Great song selection, great videography (I am envious of your talents), and also as always, great playing. Love the new bass as well and the color matching headstock.


Me too @PamPurrs! What young man wouldn’t love Palmer’s “bandmates” in those little black dresses? LoL

Yes, good job @sfadams !


Played very well, great tone. I felt your presence with your fret / mute technique. Sort of Very aggressive right hand and then fretting to a point, just that point, the right point, then backs off to the next note.
I really liked the way you played that, I think it brought alot to the song.


I absoolutely adore Glen. I started watching his VC shows, which are viewer comment. He gets really good questions, to dumb questions to outrageous questions of statements thrown his way.
He is actually pretty calm the whole video, just when soebody does or says somethig stupid, and if you havee ever paid attention to his show, he screams. “Oh for the love of CROM, what have you people been doing while these videos are on. Obviously not watching them”
He throws in pretty fowl language, that bothers me in no way at all.

HE IS A WEALTH OF SKILL and INFORMATION. And he made all the mistakes he yells about, and he plays bass, and ht puts on an entertaining show, because if it were not, many people wold not watch him.
He is doing hit community a huge service by treating young people who want to be recording tech’s, and loads them up with tons of “What Not To Do”. and “15 things you are doing wrong”. Something he back ups by saying, I am NOT Immune. I made all of these misteaks, some of them I made many times until I figured it out.

This is what the channel is for. He does a great job, AND, other then tossing around sensless Bsss (and drummer) jokes (that he picked up from working with plenty of shitty bass players in his day) amd drummer insults, and insults at the singer’s GF, and insults at any GF in the band.

Sure he rants all that stuff, but he does so where appropriate, tactful, funny and adds to the show.

Just my opinion, but I hve since watched tons of his vid’s, and he is very personable guy. I like him, and I would proudly wear a Rule #2 shirt. And if I ever got on a stage with a band, I would wear it, for sue


Thanks Toby! I understand that the original bassist on the track was none other than Mr. Bernard Edwards. If I’m even within 10 miles of his ballpark, I’ll take it!


Yeah, Glen’s great. He has his online schtick that might put some people off, but on a technical level he is really knowledgeable and a good resource.


Nice job @sfadams ,
Cheers Brian


Or, back in the land of reality, she transcribed it wrong and as a result she’s playing in wrong key for half of the song. Listen to the keyboards when they transition from Bmaj to Gmaj…she is staying in Bmaj and plays notes that aren’t part of Gmaj scale so it doesn’t sound right. It’s very audible and my initial reaction was: “What the hell is this?”

I’m not sure what’s funnier, her ignoring my comments proving she can’t handle criticism or acknowledge her errors or some of you cheerleading and giving her fake boost of confidence.

How do you expect for someone to grow and improve if all you gonna do is lie? At least have some integrity and be honest if you actually care about someone improving their skills. This is not pre-school where we give out participation trophies but a public forum full of adults sharing their knowledge and experiences. If all you’re looking for is a safe space where you’ll be pampered no matter what you do then you are in the wrong place. You are exposing yourself to the world so be an adult and expect criticism.

Since this forum is mostly populated by people new to bass or music in general you should take any free advice you are given and be grateful for it. I’m critiqued on daily basis for my work and I have zero issues with it because it helped me to get where I am now. Worst thing someone could do to me is lie and make me think I actually did good job when reality is completely different. On the other hand if you wanna prevent someone from improving then keep on cheerleading.

With respect – Critique takes a certain finesse to deliver as much as it does to receive it. If the intention is truly to get the student to learn, and not tear them down in the process, consider how it was presented.