Post your covers! (2019-2022)

I can see Henley’s point, to an extent. However, I hardly consider someone doing a cover of a song, with full credit given to the original artist (s), and no money being exchanged as piracy.

BTW, my cover of Lyin’ Eyes is still alive and well on Vimeo :smiley_cat:


Ya he is pretty extreme, and this is the biggest reason the Eagles weren’t for a long time.
He is quite the a$$hole, great musician though.




@T_dub Toby, I tried playing this and nothing happened…


As much as I respect Frank Bella, and enjoy playing his signature bass, I can’t get into Anthrax. Just not my style of music.


He’s a complete idiot, dinosaur stuck in ancient times. Someone should tell him that MTV is not about music anymore and no one listens to radio either. Instead of striking good deal with online platforms for fair share of revenue he’s chasing ghosts and blocking his exposure.

Does he honestly think anyone from Gen-Z (hell even some Millennials) and younger know who are Eagles? Nirvana is classic rock to them…sense of self importance and delusion is off the charts in this guy.

On the other hand I like how even that article managed to get Trump involved…


I watched the Eagles documentary. Henley was a producer in the film and had final say on the movie and yet despite having all that editorial control. He still managed to come across as an asshole.
That level of cognitive dissonance is quite impressive.
I refer to The Dude on all things Eagles related.


The Dude abides!


Thanks for the comments. The tone knob does absolutely nothing on this bass, I think the capacitor must be dead, or tiny. I am gonna need to replace the pot or capacitor.


Try it again, it plays for me, but it is stored on my dropbox flower, and it might only be active when my computer is not asleep, which would suck.


@T_dub Toby, I just tried again. this time it plays 2 beats and stops. I tried it several times.


Strange, I just played it all the way thru??


Hi Toby @T_dub ,
nice job man, why don’t you record it with the other bass and compare the two and then you be the judge of what you think works best for the song. :+1:

Cheers Brian


@T_dub I finally got it to play, and you sounded really good. I don’t know the song, but it seemed like you covered it well.


Thanks Brian, I am going to do that, and I am going to record a track with the bass as is, then change the strings (was planned anyway), and then lay another track down and see what is best. If that doesn’t work (as the P bass has no tone knob either), then I will go to old faithful, my Ray4.

Thanks Pam, yeah, if you can’t get into Anthrax, I don’t expect you would be able to get into Slayer :wink:

I hope to get this one right, cuz I have 3 more songs coming.


Saw Slayer live at Ozzfest a few years back. Loved the way Kerry drank blood out of his lucite Flying V! Hmm, at least I think it was a Flying V. This was back in the days before I was still enjoying um, refreshments! LOL


I don’t believe he plays Gibson, pretty sure he has always played B.C. Rich, so it could not have been called a Flying V, however, he often plays a take on that shape.
I saw them in the 90’s at the Shrine in LA (where they do the Academy Awards, or used to do them) with White Zombie, great show.
Then I saw them on the kick off to their farewell tour, and that was one of the best shows ever, they played for over 2.5 hours, covering almost everything you would want to hear from them, saving Angel of Death, South of Heaven and Raining Blood for the end, in that order.
They played Seasons in the Abyss for the opening song IIRC.

I. have met Kerry King at a National Sports Grill after an Angels game years back, before the first OzzFest, I remember, cuz I asked him when they are playing next, and he said, OzzFest.
I actually had a mutual friend, and used to share a common interest / hobby with him, so I had a few things to talk to him about, other then just being a drunk, oogling fan.
I used to breed snakes, and had done some trades with a guy named Tim Belknap that was a former Mr. Universe, who was a friend of Kerry King’s.
He was impressed when I asked him about the Lucistic Rat snake he helped to create, as a new strain, thru selective breeding. But I said Corn snake and he corrected me to Rat snake, but they are both Colubridaes, so it was close.


Another thought I had was to run my Bass thru either my Keeley Bassist Limiting Amplifier Compression pedal, or my San June Optical Compression pedal, then into my DAI to GB, and either USE, or don’t USE a compressor plug on the track?
What do you think about that?
Or I could go thru my Behringer BDI-21 bass driver, and out with XLR?
or compressor to BDI-21, either on or bypassed, depending on if I want to EQ it, into my DAI thru XLR?
Any suggestions or tips to do it this way, only time I ever recorded thru pedals into the DAI, into GB, was for pedal side by side comparisons, and I was not using good recording habits back then, getting lots of saturation, from leaving the input, recording and output volume levels at zero instead of padding with negative DB.


I’d keep the recording clean and play with effects and amp sims in the DAW to get the tone you want as it sits in the mix, it’s easier that way, and GB has amp sims and compression.


Yeah, thats what I normally do, but I normally record with my Ray, and I can dial it in the way I like.
like I said, the Tone knob, either the pot, or capacitor is totally dead, so I have not tone control on that bass right now, plus if I go to the Squire, there is no tone control on it either.
I have not been able to get really ANY sounds I like with the Amps and effects in GB. Experience is lacking of course, but usually, I plug in my Ray and go.
I fully understand why DRY tracks are good for DAW’s, Glen has yelled it enough times, but you guys know how to use the DAW to make it sound good, I am not having much success with that, only reason I was thinking for this track, use the pedals first, so I can try to get the tone right going it.
I may give it a try, got nothing to lose, but I see myself playing on the Squire, or even the Ray before this is over.