Oh man @Barney that’s my favorite track too. love the swag and the control performance. His music is not always easy for bassists. Great job buddy.
That is awesome @John_E that Gretch sounds great. That’s a very clean performance. Nailed it on the first take I supposed. You don’t look nervous in front of the camera. Lol.
Nice cover John @John_E ,
Don’t know the song but the bass line worked really nicely in the mix,
Cheers Brian
Perfect tone and great playing @John_E, love that cover.
Ever since I completed the B2B course, I’ve been learning songs that I like and that I think are not too difficult. Yes, I’ve been neglecting the 50 Songs Challenge, but I intend to get back to that. In the meantime, I’d like to submit this cover of Everclear’s “Santa Monica”, a song that may not be that well-known, but that I really like myself.
For the tech nerds, this is my signal path: fingers > Harley Benton BZ-4000 NT (with D’Addario EXL 165 or 170 strings) > Zoom B1 Four > Behringer U-phoria UMC22 DAI > Cakewalk by BandLab DAW. I created the patch in the Zoom (160 Comp > Room reverb > Ampg SVT amp sim > ZNR noise gate) myself. I know I could have done this in the DAW as well, but I spent quite some time tweaking the Zoom patch, and I am as yet unable to do the same in Cakewalk. I quite like the resulting tone, and I think it matches the original tone for this song quite nicely, so I just went with it. Let me know what you think!
I’m impressed how full this Gretsch can sound, @John_E , on the bridge pickup only. that’s not very common ! also nice cover as always
what I think is that you played the song really well. about the tone, it works well with the existing mix, but I would have prefered a more punchy tone. that’s very personnal but I’m not a big fan of humbuckers overall.
I did bring some bass up with the B7K just a bit, and hand position played a part too
Sounded great @Mike_NL and timing was spot on. Well done man.
Very good finger control too
Very well played @John_E, with some cool and interesting visuals to go with it….
Very well played @Mike_NL:+1:. Great job!
I don’t know the song, but listening to it for the first time, I think I (personally) would have liked to hear just a little more dirt in the tone - but that’s just me…. Cool thing is, if tickles your ears, and puts a smile on your face, then what more could you ask for…
Cool cover @Mike_NL .
Great timing and good finger control.
The song is interesting too. I may have to do a search and investigate further
Excellent cover @John_E ! Perfect groove, tone and fingering! I really enjoyed watching it!
Great job @Mike_NL ! Haven’t heard the song before but the bass sounded perfect for it.
@Mike_NL I luuuuv this song (it may be a karaoke fav) and you did a great job with it! Tone sounds good - I agree, it is a good match to the original. And what a gorgeous bass.
I always thought it would be fun to do a slowed-down, twangy, slightly country-ish cover of Santa Monica - the lyrics really lend themselves to it.
I continue to be envious of all you freaks with ET like pinkies…dammit!
Lol. Look on the bright side. After breaking my pinky mountain biking this is how it now sits naturally.
Anyway really enjoying everyone’s efforts. Especially the comments on their thoughts about tone and how they got there. Plus @John_E and @Mike_NL they were two songs I’d never heard before. So thanks for that!
Wow I haven’t heard that song in ages. Well done!
I gotta say, now that I have a Gretsch guitar, a Gretsch bass is calling. We’ll see if the Surveyor finally lands.