Cool work with a pick @Paul_9207… looks like you got it figured out…. Not familiar with the song…. Since I’m bot a pedals or effects type of player (old school big time), I got a bit confused when different pedal effects were used and just liked the straight forward opening bass tones much more…. Then again, I’m just an old dude so it’s probably just me….
Thanks for whomever posted this band in the “what are you listening to” thread. I am hooked.
Ghost: Square Hammer. D standard tuning.
Nice! I’m digging that tune now too. You’ve got that one down, you killed it.
Nice job, and love the kelang of the bass.
one thing though @Paul_9207 - don’t call it an attempt, own it, you did great.
Love it. We’ll done
Thanks Griff.
I understand that. A lot of the songs I like have different effects played with the bass, sometimes I use them, sometimes not. I do in this song particularly though because in the tutorial the guy says that he thinks a song should be played as it was written, so I’m just respecting his wish. I’m glad you like my clean tone.
Noted. I appreciate that, thank you!
I will generally always - 100% of the time - have some effect on my bass tone, whether it’s just compression/EQ/amp sim or more. But generally you will never hear the dry tone of any instrument (bass or otherwise) in a recording I do. And this is true of any studio recording really as well - at minimum there will be EQ and compression, whether you do it as a bass player or not. The person mixing definitely will.
There’s a lot of reasons for this but generally - don’t feel bad for using effects when you want to! I will very often use chorus and reverb, lots of times to use overdrive/distortion too. Light overdrive in particular can act like an Exciter would for a guitar.
I always record totally dry, so it’s really easy to tune the effects just like I want, and optionally mix in some dry bass. That’s a nice compromise. But the final product is never the dry instruments.
Me too
Great job @Paul_9207 ! Unfamiliar with the artist/song but it sounds like you covered it well.
Very well done @Old_WannaBe !
Haven’t heard this song before, like it! Nice playing, this bass line is not easy to master.
Nice job on a challenging bass line @Old_WannaBe!
Yeah…had to learn it in segments. Couple of challenges. First is getting the main riff down. Then, on the verses, its got that weird offset chugging thing going where you switch chords on the fourth beat. Next, it has that little octave arpeggio run and then that offset version of the main riff in the lower octave. And the toughest thing getting down was that little variation on on the chorus the 2nd and 3rd times through. That said, I took it in segments and worked on it for about a week and finally was able to get a run through where I didn’t mess up at some point. Fun song.
My son (who has Down syndrome) is a drummer, and I took up the bass so we could learn together. Here we are in a FB live video with his teacher on keyboards, playing The Chicken. You can’t see my playing much, but you can hear me. I even get to solo (er, mostly noodle in pentatonic) a couple times through. Lots of fun playing to this song and I learned a lot from it.
The Chicken
Bro Amyl and the sniffers are a great band! Nice picks to cover and awesome job on both! That Yamaha sure sounds gooood to my ears! Great tone with both basses and you sound clean to me, again nice job and keep jammin my friend!! Cheers!
This is fantastic @seangking all around!
Great jam session @seangking ! That was fun to watch. It looks like you all were having a good time.
@seangking can you tell me who is the original artist of this song ? for the list I try to keep up to date
@terb It was written and recorded by Pee Wee Ellis, but Jaco Pastorius made it famous.