Post your covers! (2023)

That’s very inspiring @John_E. Now I want a semi hollow and a pick, lol. Interesting sound using downstroke only.


That’s just awesome @dlamson13 great tone and technique. Love the plugging hand shift, very smooth and effective.


Quite impressive. Everything sounds exactly where it should be, tone, rhythms … love it !


…because I can’t do both ways yet, Lolol. But working on it.


Oh hey man that’s cool, I can’t do it either that’s why it’s so inspirational, :joy:

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Another 50 Song Challange tune…
This is a very interesting learning experience.

The last song I did, London Calling, I got under my fingers in about 15 minutes, another 30-60 to perfect enough to record. And, it was easily memorized!

This song was really interesting for a couple reasons.

  1. BEFORE you listen to it, imagine the bassline in your head, then listen. To me, the actual bassline was nothing like I thought it was, so much for musical memory.
  2. I could not for the life of me memorize this damn thing. even small bits of it. I had to memorize a few end of section riffs so I could look down to play them.
  3. In general, I didn’t have to look at the fretboard (except for those little end riffs). London Calling I had to look at the fretboard with passion! Otherwise I would miss those slides.

Basically, this was the total opposite experience to London Calling.
Which got me thinking…
Why is one song easier to someone than another?
How can this be completely opposite for another person?
If I am a professional bassist, do I create riffs/lines that are easy, to me?
Do pros struggle with other people’s tunes if they are not in their ‘slot’?

I find the whole process of the 50 Song Challange interesting as many are songs I would never pick on my own, but I learn so much from each one!



Another classic beautifully done! Nice one John!


Nice work again. You’re a better man than me re the 50 Songs. I guess you like vegetables more than me. I think we learn something from all our covers, even the simpler ones.


As someone who, for the moment, has given up on “I Want You Back,” and seen you "kill it; I think you’ve ate your vegetables in small bites, with a smile on your face.


I’ve been working on a different song for a while, but it’s just a little bit beyond me at present. I was becoming a bit frustrated, so I decided to remind myself this should be fun and do something a bit easier. Being able to play along with this, is nothing but pure joy and I’m forever grateful for being steered in the right direction from the start by the Beginner to Badass course.

I thought on the weekend, have we had a cover in the BassBuzz forum with the word Buzz in it? No?

This was originally a Doo Wop song released in 1957 by The Hollywood Flames. This version comes from the 1982 Album ‘Picture This’.

Huey Lewis and the News - Buzz Buzz Buzz

I started playing Bass in Nov 2020. app to remove the original bass line by Mario Cipollina and overdub mine.

HX Stomp
Comp - Line 6 Original Deluxe Compressor
Pre Amp - Mic Requisite Y7 mic preamp
Amp - Fender Bassman
Modulation - Retro Reel
Delay - Simple Delay (Line6)
MIM Fender P Bass
GHS Precision Flats
DAI - Focusrite Scarlett Solo


I had totally forgotten this super, fun song exists, thanks for the reminder.

You kicked it’s ass @Barney
Great job.


Never heard this but excellent work on it. Great job Barney!

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Wow, I don’t remember that song at all, but you killed it!


Slowed right down tonight :slightly_smiling_face:
(Still managed to make blatantly obvious mistakes :rofl:)

As soon as I seen this, just HAD to play it!
Absolutely love Hope Sandoval’s voice :heart_eyes: app to remove the original bass line, no effects necessary :slightly_smiling_face:
Yamaha TRBX 504, neck pickup, tone just over halfway

Mazzy Star - Look On Down From The Bridge

Enjoy… :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounding pretty good @DeadPixels (less the couple blips).
Have you tried punching in and out in your DAW to fix these minor mistakes? It’s easy and kinda fun too. Makes you feel like a real audio engineer, lol.

Couple notes felt out of tune too but couldn’t find a repeatable place to aid you.

Otherwise, great tune and vibe. Nice tone.


Not sure what you mean? Still pretty new to the DAW n all that :joy:

But yeah, I think I know where you mean, there’s a parts didn’t feel right, never once transcribed though, no idea how to figure out what they should be, haven’t got that far yet :joy:
SO good though! :slightly_smiling_face:
More chill vibes on the way :laughing:

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Look up on you tube whatever DAW you have and “punch in punch out”. It allows you to isolate portions of a recording. And then only record over that portion.

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Nice. They were so underrated.


Yeah. Fundamental to DAWs, you can record multiple takes for any segment of a song and switch between them.

Or if you want simplicity you can just do multiple tracks and cut and paste too, it’s an editor after all.

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Ahh, something to look into.
Good to keep the imperfections to look back on too though :slightly_smiling_face:
(although not to subject others to I guess :joy:)

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