posted the wrong link
Here’s the actual song, Cannons - Come Alive
posted the wrong link
Here’s the actual song, Cannons - Come Alive
What a great way to make a comeback Pam! I heard this last week in the car and I thought about doing it. Can’t top that performance.
Excellent job!
Thank you @JerryP
I dig that song! I’ll be checking them out. Thanks.
I love it Pam! Such a fun song, I sing it almost daily to my cat
Excellent work Pam! I felt the groove in that one!
Thanks @dlamson13
Thanks @cheeze_pizza
Been working on this one for a few days, feel like I got a pretty decent take here after recording it literally 50+ times
This is by far the most difficult song I have attempted yet. It’s not terribly complicated, but the 5:30 run time makes it a tough one to play through without mistakes. It’s not perfect, but I didn’t make any major blunders which I consider a W! Please let me know what you guys think, any constructive criticism would be much appreciated!
Arctic Monkeys - A Certain Romance
Edit: realized I made a mistake in the tabs, fixing it now
Ok, here’s the tabs, should be accurate now. Sorry for the differences in length, it was a pain in the ass to edit them once I realized they were wrong.
Note: the intro seems to be a random smashing of the 7th fret, basically all you you have to do is match the guitar riff and it’ll sound great
The fun @Ant cover train keeps on rolling with two more great ones.
Did you set up your user index yet?
Oh I missed alot of covers.
@Barney @Paul_9207 @Ant Great stuff guys.
@PamPurrs That was something, I love hearing double bass, really enjoyed it!
Sorry if I missed some.
Ever had those days, when for the sake of it you cant manage not to screw up when you turn on video recording? Like yesterday I just recorded audio for fun of this track, and today I planned full recording, couldnt manage not to screw up when I turned on video recording.
I was determined to record it today and eventually after many tries I managed to do something with a little bit of editing magic
Gear used:
Amp sim:
Btw Canorousness is an interesting term.
I love the sound of your bass, so warm. This sounds really great with this song.
Absolutely stunning. Everything. The song choice (pam purrs and the stray cat strut, I think there’s a pattern here), the video, your video setup (chroma key ), your sound and your instrument.
And the cats, obviously.
Sounded like you were part of the original track @Growl
You definitely have the ability to be canorousness
Thanks @mediaklan ! Video is a passion of mine.
This was fantastic @Growl
IMO getting one perfect take is not something that is required, at least for these activities.
Very few recorded tunes (if any) are done in one continuous take, so why do we strive so hard for it?
Sure, there is a point where you just don’t know the song, etc. vs. missed a note or two.
In this scenario here, everything is exposed, people are staring at your playing and listening to the bass, so a single bad note sticks out like a sore thumb.
In a live enviornment, no one would notice, too much going on, and if they did, they wouldn’t care. In a professionally recorded enviornment, multiple takes and editing.
I kinda give myself a 2-3 flub rule. If I am that close, I go back and overdub the minor blips and done.
I don’t see the point of the struggle of one take on video perfection simply to forget how to play the tune 8-12 hours later, lol.
But, everyone’s goals are different.
Is that the original MM pickup in your Stingray?
I want that tone in my bat bass, so not sure what to go with.
The Aguliar is parallel only, bummer, would like some options.
But if it gives me this tone, I am in.
I have watched every damn video on every damn pickup and just can’t decide.
I thought I was set on a Norstrand Big Blademan but now not sure.
Yeah, totally. End product is all that matters. I’ll generally work on parts of a song at a time, getting them right, and then edit takes together as sounds best. When recording it never even occurs to me to try and play through in one take. It’s not a live performance or some kind of contest
Yeah, thanks.
I strive to do it as best I can, but in meanwhile at some point Im like, yeah screw it, its good enough. Few fixes in editing and thats it.
Regarding pup, yeah original one.
Ive tried all possible variations, with SBMMs, Aguilars, Seymour Duncans, Audere etc , but nothing gives tone like original MM pup and preamp. Dunno wheres the magic, pup or preamp. But once again, this MM sound cant be 100% replicated. You can get close to it, but it will still miss this magic zing.
Closest pup is SD smb4a.
Thats why I sold all of my Rays, and got the real thing.