I have an EBMM HH and don’t want a single H so the cheap bat bass is to be either a good approximation or something altogether different. The crap pickup in it is super bright so I know I’m not digging that end of things. Like some of the odder ones lobster has shown. The Big Blademan seems to be an interesting compromise. Funny, my digging came up with the same SD for “closest to it” just from videos. I’d rather not by both and see. Lol.
One of my favorite songs by my favorite band. This one is pretty easy to play and I had a blast recording it. Most of the tabs you’ll find for this song are in standard tuning, and I can’t confirm whether the original was recorded that way, but it’s such a dark song that I tuned to drop D to give it that real heavy vibe. Transcribed it in drop D in the tabs below.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I am a perfectionist. Mistakes irritate me, and there is something so satisfying about a mistake free take, that I try to get as close as possible before posting anything. Everything you said is true though, very few songs are recorded in one take. They are always edited before the final mix, and in a live show no one would ever hear a small mistake. Still, I think it’s best to strive for perfection, it’ll make you better in the long run!
Have you seen this new one? Supposedly a 90s version vs. the ‘a’ which is a 70s version. Looks like its a bit brighter. Need to listen to some comparisons
That’s awesome man @Growl. Yet another great bass line that’s not originally played on a bass. I like it and the popping is not exactly easy in between the bass lines.
I almost always play from that position. It’s where I feel most comfortable and don’t even think about my plucking hand. I have moved to the neck pickup a few times and it felt like I was playing a different instrument. I know there’s some tonal differences playing near the bridge but it’s just what works for me
It’s time to add to the Cover pool. What’s the count so far? Lol.
Inspired by @Growl and @Barney 80’s and 90’s hit I thought I take a crack at this early favorite. I remember I spent days transcribing this song. I heard the live version where they stretch the solo but the audio on that live was pretty bad so I just opted to go with this instead.
I thought the Fretless is the way to go with this one but I did add my favorite StingRay in there. It’s a neck through Stingray.
Smooth Operator
By Sade
Custom Lignum #8 Fretless, inspired by the Great Guitar Build Off entry by Guns’N’Guitars. Custom EMG X series pickup and preamp
Custom Modded Fender American Deluxe Precision with Prototype EMG PVX and JVX with Custom preamp
EBMM Stingray neck through with custom Ice Metallic blue pickguard and printed finger ramp
For me, it’s a workflow and time thing, where the perfect is definitely the enemy of the good. I am never recording and mixing only one instrument (we don’t use backing tracks), so putting the whole song together is much more important than any individual perfect take. Also, my bandmate and I are on different continents, so it’s not like we are ever jamming together anyway.
Then again, my hobby is overall music production, not becoming a perfect bassist, so YMMV. But for production in general, I really prefer my workflow than trying to nail it all in one long take.
Our most recent cover is a good example; I did all the instruments in this one, and while there are some multiminute takes in there, none are the whole song. Came together nicely IMO.
Well, except my vocals, but that’s a known problem