That video changed the way I made my covers forever. It was well executed and the playing was just awesome. Perfect anthem for the gorgeous collection of Aerodyne basses.
It was truly an inspiration to all covers.
That video changed the way I made my covers forever. It was well executed and the playing was just awesome. Perfect anthem for the gorgeous collection of Aerodyne basses.
It was truly an inspiration to all covers.
That’s just an awesome cover @Justin3. Like butter!
Thanks Jerry!
Thanks @Al1885! The quality time has helped with intonation for sure, it’s all about those little micro adjustments when you’re off. I just had a feeling you probably played this song That’s really interesting about the drums, I hadn’t given it thought before.
Haha, yes For sure! This was improvised, and I liken it to lighting a match that gets blown out too soon, just never went anywhere.
I’m glad I could bring the wah, thanks John! Playing with a pick has a great sound. I need to work on that more too. The other day my Dad (also a guitar player) was asking if I would ever get back to guitar. Right now there is so much I want to do on bass in the time I have to practice – Get better a fretless, get better at slap, learn the solo to “La Villa Strangiato”, etc. I won’t be bored with this lovely instrument any time soon.
Oh man, I haven’t heard that song in forever. That’s getting added to the playlist.
That was a real joy to listen to. Top work
Nice job! very smooth indeed. You are making me want to get a fretless.
I probably should have spent at least another week practicing this song before trying to record it, but I had some time today so here we are. This is another one I’ve learned by ear. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but when I started posting covers I didn’t think I would ever learn songs by ear. It’s still not easy, but I’m glad I can do it. This is another AFI song from their newest album Bodies.
AFI - Looking Tragic
Here’s a song to learn in a few hours. Great tabs on Songsterr, just figure out a couple of rhythms and slam away. Only tough part of this song is keeping the pace throughout without screwing up the rhythm…The whole song is played on the E string, down tuned to C#. One of my favorite Deftones tracks. This one won’t be for everyone
Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
You’ve got such killer tone! are you recording your amp? Wish I could figure out how to get my sound like that! I’m not familiar with the band but I immediately get The Strokes vibes. Really enjoyed this one!
@dlamson13 awesome work, can’t say I enjoyed the song but you played it well. digging the fretless!
Nice job @Ant I remember this song from my days as an alternative radio DJ.
Finished this one a few days ago. Had a tough time transcribing it for some reason, and I had originally tabbed it way too high on the neck. I really like the song but tbh the bass line is kind of boring. I also am wondering why I chose to play the A in the main riff on the 5th fret on the E string instead of open A, definitely would have been easier…sigh
The Shins - Turn on Me
May was a tougher month than normal. Work was crazy busy and our dog was diagnosed with cancer. Consequently very little time for bass. However, I found some spare hours in the past week; it’s been a real treat to get back to goofing around making noise.
I know we have at least one Kiss fan on the forum.
This is taken from their 1979 album Dynasty and spoiler alert; Paul Stanley plays bass on the record!
Kiss - Sure Know Something
I started playing Bass in Nov 2020. app to remove the original bass and overdub mine.
HX Stomp
Comp - Line 6 Original Deluxe Compressor
Pre Amp - Mic Requisite Y7 mic preamp
Amp - MESA/Boogie® Bass 400+ (channel 2)
Modulation - Retro Reel
Distortion - Tech 21® SansAmp Bass Driver DI V1
MIM Fender P Bass
GHS Precision Flats
DAI - HX Stomp
Not a Kiss fan, but I am a @barney fan. Good job. You bastard.
thank you. I will post a quick summary of what I do tomorrow.
Nice chill job @Ant reminds me of Coldplay basslines
Well if this isn’t some of the best damn tone I’ve ever heard.
What’s the signal chain @Paul_9207?
Nice playing and video work dude.
Another great one @Ant
How long have you been playing?
Do you sleep man? Lol
Great job again @Ant
I’ve been playing this one on the side for about two years now and never liked my tone enough to cover it. You nailed it man! I was trying to move to a pick with it ala Gene but now this makes more sense that it was Paul. It’s also in standard tuning which is an oddity for KISS tunes (usually 1/2 step down), very few like this. Maybe Gene was in a hissy fit and didn’t like the tune. Just read Paul Stanley’s book, its a great RnR read for even non-KISS fans.
So sorry to hear about the dog.
I was at the vet the other day for a sweet $1,100 bill myself.
Good thing they are worth every damn penny.