Thanks John! I do sleep…sometimes . Really though I have had the last two weeks off from work, I finished putting my practice space together, so I haven’t left the room much at all, to my wife’s severe annoyance lol. I’m back at it Thursday for another 40-50 day run, so I’m gonna try to squeeze in one more cover before then. I started playing in February 2022, so almost a year and a half now.
@Barney KISS?!
As always, smooth like butter. Love the effort you put into all your videos. Great job
Fantastic cover @Paul_9207 very smooth fills/ transitions. Nice drum kit, now I want to see you do the cover on drums, lol.
Great job man. Great tone too @Ant like the neck pickup yet, lol.
That’s a solid cover @Barney definitely a fun cover. I like kiss songs just don’t like to look at them much. They would look more the part playing something like Metallica or Red Hot chili peppers type of music. Lol.
Hey sorry to hear about you dog. I lost your mine to cancer. It’s never good. Hang in there.
I think my issue was my setup & technique. Was attacking the strings too hard which lead to a lot of string clanking and buzzing and it was just an unpleasant sound, but playing over the bridge let me hammer the strings. I had my bass setup done by a shop a month or so ago, and then just practiced playing softer and this has allowed me to play comfortably over the neck pickup.
Even still this is a song you MUST play aggressively and the string noise is part of the tone. Most of the bass is drowned out anyway since it’s such a loud song
Great tone on this song @Paul_9207. Really want to know how you do it.
Nice covers @Ant ! Not my cup of tea, but very well executed.
Great as usual @Barney ! Nice choice on the song. Sorry to hear about your dog.
I’m really glad you guys like my tone. I honestly don’t really feel like I know what I’m doing. I just opened garage band to look at my setting and, sadly, I didn’t save the final edit.
Usually, I DI from my amp head to my interface and on channel 2 I would mic my cab. But on this last video I just did the DI into channel 1 then after recording I copied and pasted it into channel 2.
From there, in garage band, on channel 1 the chain is:
- compressor (CLA-2A) then I select the “bass” preset and turn the gain up to 45.
- channel EQ is preset to “jazz bass”
- bass amp sim (clean DI) and I think I used the default setting
channel 2 chain:
- compressor (CLA-2A) then I select the “bass” preset and turn the gain up to 45.
- channel EQ is preset to “jazz bass”
- bass amp (Tone Sculpter) and it was mostly default setting.
with channel 1 I try to get a nice low bass tone and channel 2 a brighter tone. that way I get the clanky brightness with rich lows. depending on the song I will pick a different amp model for channel two and tweak the settings a bit, but the channel 1 is always the clean DI.
My amp is an Ampeg PF-500 and I recently got a Sansamp DI box that obviously changes things a little.
Again I’m really glad you guys like how it sounds. Hopefully the next cover ins’t a flop now.
That balance is what makes it so good, you always seem to get both. Using 2 channels is a neat technique. I’ve never tried this. I’m sure your playing style has a big role too. Very interesting, nice work, thanks for breaking it down in detail.
Did KISS go disco? I don’t know much about them, but I like this song and prefer this sound to the other radio hits I’ve heard. I love the descending lines in the chorus, was jamming along with you a little. Great performance and video work. Sorry about your dog and glad you found some time for a little musical therapy.
absolutely, when disco was selling. KISS (or at the very least, Gene) was all about selling, selling, selling…
Alas yes. This was the start of them chasing fads and falling apart (even though some of their disco-y tunes were huge hits for them).
They were on Casablanca Records, home also of Donna Summer and the Village People. This is what you get when you listen to your label too much.
This too. Later albums mimicked Van Halen and Metallica when they were super hot.
Should have had Giorgio produce one of their hits!
Man, Giorgio Moroder + KISS would be one weird combo. The man is a legend but there’s just not much he could do with that. If anyone could pull it off, he could though.
Hmm actually I bet he could have worked with that song linked above.
Edit: AHAHAHAHA I just read they tried to get him but apparently he noped out
The Chain.
Not perfect, and lots of work to do on it, but I was excited I got this far.
I think that sounds really good. nice job!
DOH! I just realized I said The Chain, but posted Yellow.
Stand by…
I know the bass is loud here. I tend to record it louder than what’s in the song when I’m still learning it.
As I promised, one more cover. This will probably be my last for a while so I thought I would do a song that I have been noodling on since I first got my bass and a song that really got me into the instrument. I love this riff so much. A lot of people don’t like this guy but he’s one hell of a guitar player.
Hope you guys enjoy this one!
Ted Nugent - Hey Baby
Oh yeah, and then they went “grunge” in the 90s. If only they were around in the 60’s and had a “Listen to the Flower People” phase.
I just read Paul Stanley’s auto-biography (great read!), basically Gene was always coming in telling Paul they had to be like X or Y or whoever was hot at the time for the next album, as he was always chasing the money and trends vs. what their sound was.
I have always stated that the later KISS albums sucked, but, I have been listening more lately and am revising my opinion…the later albums (without Ace and Peter) are GREAT (Revenge, Carnival of Souls, Monster). When Peter and Ace came back they just couldn’t get anything together either old KISS or new sounds.
Sometimes we get so focused on what we’re struggling with (this applies not just to bass I think) that we forget how far we’ve come / improved.
I started playing 2.5 years ago and took the B2B course straight away. This foundation allowed me to come home from work tonight, learn a simple song, record it and post it to YT; all in one evening.
This is far beyond my wildest dreams when I first started out on bass. Thanks to all the forum regulars on this thread for giving me an outlet to improve my playing.
It’s a stone cold classic from 1981 and it’s still a great record. Proof that you don’t need a complicated bass line for a fun tune.
Kool & the Gang - Get Down on It app to remove the original bass line and overdub mine.
HX Stomp
Comp - Line 6 Original Deluxe Compressor
Pre Amp - Mic Requisite Y7 mic preamp
Amp - Acoustic 360
Delay - Simple Delay (Line6)
Modulation - Retro Reel
Envelope Filter - Musitronics Mu-Tron® III
MIM Fender Jazz Bass
GHS Precision Flats
DAI - HX Stomp