Interpol has really great basslines. Good job!
Carlos is one of my bass heroes. I need to get a lot better with octaves to get more of their stuff down though.
I had to do a double take when I saw that wrap around slide from the top, bonus showmanship points for sure! That T-Bird sounds great in the mix too, lots of cool fills, legendary riff, just an all around excellent cover Ed
Man that is some great tone, just the right amount of top end imo, and very nice playing as always!
Got really good around :30 nice work! I feel like the rest of the song might have been too easy for you after that
I love the sound of your covers. Have you done any Slipknot tunes? (Guess I should just go check your directory). Keep up the great work!
You’re very welcome!! Look forward to seeing more covers
Great job dude. Do you find yourself experiencing any neck dive with that bass? I have been loosely wanting one but unsure about the dive. What are your thoughts?
Hah thanks! I’m trying to work on my stage presence in case I ever get to be on stage
Thanks @TheMadBassist ! This is actually a common question but actually no - it’s quite a weighty beast and it does sit quite heavy on the left shoulder but there’s no real dive if you get a good strap. Maybe the old Gibsons were more divey with heavier tuners and stuff?
Now then … my old Hofner ignition - that was a diver …
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy
Hofner Shorty bass into a Scarlett Solo, then on into GarageBand.
I’m at an industry conference this week. The Hofner Shorty was cheap, second hand (well, probably 10th hand, judging by its condition), but plays well enough, despite the crazy neck dive. Luckily, the neck also unscrews, meaning it will fit into my suitcase, ideal for when business travel means flying, rather than a drive….
I bashed this cover out last night, after excusing myself from a team dinner, “Sorry, I’ve got things to do!”
Gasolin - Hva gør vi nu lille du?
I’ve finally gotten around to creating a new bass cover. I hope you enjoy it, even if you don’t understand the lyrics:-) It’s a Danish song by the late Kim Larsen and his band Gasolin. A truly wonderful song!
another brick in the wall, part 2 - pink floyd
Actually, this is not a cover but a quick test. I replaced the stock nut with an ABM 6240 brass nut and wanted to hear how it sounds.
As this song has some nice long sustained notes, this was the right choice. Also I wanted to hear Drop D with my short scale in an actual cover.
I just took my little Ronin bass, plugged it into the DAW and recorded it.
So no effects, just what comes out of the EMG GZR.
As always: sorry for my f#cked up timing! Didn’t really practice this song, though I use it for warmups sometimes.
we have a topic for this : Post your practice fragments!
It’s more a test of the bass, not a practice fragment.
In fact, I don’t practice this one … just use it to warmup my fingers
And: technically it’s a cover too!
this was not perfectly clear
Schrödinger’s cover
Love this song, great job dude!
Great job man, love the black keys!