Great playing, comment and left!
Cool thanks amigo!!
The band sounds tight Duncan! Very well done!
Great job!! Left a comment and subbed.
I like Three Days Grace … when I was trying ( miserably ) to learn guitar … I was learning this one:
I may have to re-visit this on bass now… forgot how slappin that bass intro was!
( another one of those tuning problem songs tho! LMAO!!!
Damn… that was wicked!! I grew up with Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford in pretty much all their projects … Genesis , Mike and the Mechanics , and solo careers
Loved it!!
Thanks man…appreciated!
Thanks John!!
Thanks Matty!
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree!!
Absolutely true!! LOL
I can relate way too much!
Very nice!!
Thanks buddy. Appreciate the sub and any and all comments! Yea man I did a cover of animal awhile back. Sick bass line!!! You should do it!
Haha ………for the next………6…….months
You posted a video a day or so ago. How come it’s not on your YouTube channel?
It’s set to non published … I’m still working out what I am doing with the channel… It was my gaming channel before… but I am getting too old to sit in front of a console for 8 hrs a day and have nothing to show for it …
Understood haha
Looking back … if I had invested all the time I dumped in Gaming into the bass … UGH… that actually pisses me off now that I consider it…
12,000 hrs + in just Destiny 2 ( 1 GAME ) …
Wow that’s a lot. I have around 500 hours in Elden Ring. That’s my highest amount on a game.
the 12K hrs include Destiny 1 as well… so its like 6000 hrs in each… talk about time lost.
I coulda been Charles Berthoud! ( with less hair )
Walter Berthoud