Post your covers! (2024)

Breaking Bad Strings haha :laughing:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: done it… on stage… SUCKED. LMAO!!

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Oof :flushed::man_facepalming::laughing:

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That was awesome Travis, great to see you playing my bass :wink: And the Christmas tree too, right on time MB. Does it feel weird to play 4 strings to you now?


What a cool cover Justin! So much interesting rhythmic and melodic stuff going on in this one.


Oh it gets better!! Hardest string to break on a bass too the E string!!

In our set … we would open Hate Everything about You (Ugly Kid Joe) with the intro to For Whom the Bells Toll … same key… I was getting VERY aggressive on that duh-duh duh-duh DAHHHHHH … in the intro… and POP!! no more E!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :metal: :metal:


Thanks my man! Your bass? My bass haha :laughing: maybe we are just twins separated at birth? Warped minds think alike they say. Not sure who “they” are, but I’ve heard about them for awhile. Thanks for the attaboys, and yes the tree has arrived. It’s settling in for the next 6 months or so, and it didn’t feel strange at all playing the 4. Quite comfy tbh :facepunch::sunglasses:


You sound ham fisted brother lmao :rofl: gonna beat that bass into submission I see!!


was in my young and dumb days :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure you get it LOL!!

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:shushing_face: shhhhhhh :point_up::laughing:

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haha me too (though less, maybe 2k in D2).

I finally just quit, I didn’t find myself wanting to play much after the Final Shape campaign. It was really good! A nice way to cap the D2 story. Lots of unanswered stuff of course, but that’s okay; that’s just Bungie.

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I quit right after Witch Queen … I had actually quit long before that … but Witch Queen looked good… glad I played that … I tried a VERY small bit of LightFall (SUCKED) … then walked away… threw 5K hrs into Warframe.

I got tired of Bungie taking away content I PAID for… at least in Warframe… everything is FREE … even the hardest to get, rarest stuff… all free… grind for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Warframe is cool. Love Octavia :rofl:

Final Shape ruled. Campaign had full on dungeon mechanics. Story was great, finally closed the Cayde/Uldren arc from Forsaken. Nathan Fillion returned! Just really great overall, and a good place to end.

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I am a Khora Prime main … tho I have ALL of the frames, all of the EVERYTHING :slight_smile: LOL

Khora is one of those do everything frames :slight_smile:

My mastery rank in Warframe is Legendary 4 ( rank 34 ) :slight_smile: LOL

I just dabble in it, it’s… refreshing. But I don’t need another habit.

Borderlands 4 coming; I have as much time in BL2 as I do in D2. I think I should just part out my gaming PC while I can.

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Great job Justin. You make it look easy!


Great playing! I can see the little details that make that tricky and you nailed it!


That bass line is lot more busier than it sounds! Great job! :metal: :laughing: :metal:


Thank you! I was pretty surprised as well! I think David Gilmour wrote it too, which makes sense.


The Invertants - Venus (Shocking Blue)

A second song from Thursday’s evening at McCafferty’s, in Epsom.

I haven’t posted Venus before as a solo / bass cover, although have been playing both the original Shocking Blue, and the SB bass line to the Bananarama version - a slightly different arrangement - for quite a while. I am going to record both of those as bass covers at some point…’cos I love this song!

I’m playing the Hohner Professional B Bass

Bit of a mistake in the first chorus, but I’m owning it and I recovered. The show must go on :metal: (The fret markers are very small white dots on this bass. The stage area was quite dim and I couldn’t really see where to go! Plan to buy some small luminous stick on dots!!)