Awesome work holding the beat there - the bass makes that song.
You guys, and gal, form a great band…really enjoy hearing y’all, would love to see the show live tbh! Liked and comment left on your channel.
Yeah, it’s a great tune! Thanks for checking out the cover!!
Thanks Jerry… it’s not that easy, believe me!! LOL
Thanks. I worked on this one a lot and it’s still tough to play!
Well, finally I had a little time to fiddle around, did two versions:
- Recorded with phone, moderate sound quality, playing the Sire Z3 with my preferred sound settings on the Ampero One: The Police - Roxanne here:
- Recorded with the camera of my ~9 year old Lenovo All-in-one with Zoom H1n as external mic, plying my Squier 40th Anniversary P with La Bellas and absolutely no sound modification (via the Ampeg RB210 but that is flat as well as the Ampero without any effect), love the sound of it: Simply Red - Sunrise here:
Tried to hide behind extra video effects, still shy a bit
Some errors are still in both but lazy to re-record and I was asked to make video as well, so here we are with these
Well done and a great recovery! Nice.
Stevie Nicks - Rooms on Fire
I heard this tune recently and immediately knew I wanted to try and cover it. Then I listened to the bassline closely and realised it was tougher than I thought So it took a lot of work to get a passable attempt - I still need to work on keeping even volume for the octaves.
I love listening to the original isolated bass and drums in the verses, the groove is just chef’s kiss.
('scuse the fuzzy video, my cameras don’t deal well with low light, so I slapped a retro filter on it)
Awesome playing saroohoo! I think you nailed it beautifully.
Ever have a fave tune… but you don’t know the name of the damn thing??
I’ve always loved this tune… LOL never knew the NAME!! Thanks!!
And AWESOME job playin it!
That was really well done, nice cover.
I’d never heard that one, very classic Yamaha DX7 piano patch used in it, makes sense for the time
Great job gal! Loved it
Fantastic playing and great song choice! You make it all look so easy!
Excellent playing @saroohoo! What a great song too. I like the mixture of long and short notes and the way it blends various styles together.
I can’t get over @saroohoo 's fretting hand … even after the course … I’m choking the neck. She looks like a total pro!!
This stretched me way out of my comfort zone, especially the pick playing, but an absolute blast to learn. Matt Freeman is one of the coolest bassists ever IMO.
Rancid - Olympia, WA
Oh hell yes!! that looks like a FUN tune to play!! Sure can tell you were enjoyin it!!
Great job!!
Thanks John!!
Well I finished the course 3 years ago and after watching this Rancid cover I can say I’m also choking the neck with a kung fu death grip
You know some tunes … you gotta choke that bass like it owes you money!!
Your cover would be one of em! LOL!!