Post your covers! (2024)

I’m one of those :canada: Buzzers! :slight_smile:

Great job!!


Haha that’s awesome, not bad at all if you can stand the cold, glad you liked the cover!


I see you borrowed my bass again for this one without asking! Haha :laughing: great job man! MF is a beast!


Never heard this one before but MY bass sounds great :+1:……….:joy::joy: Great job again broski


Thanks a lot Travis! Haha yeah I don’t think I’m giving it back anytime soon :rofl:


I hear that brother haha :laughing: it’s a fantastic bass for sure!!


This song was so much fun to do! The bassline is pretty simple but I got to go nuts with the effects. It’s done on my Reverend Triad, the first part was done on just the neck pickup, with the second done with the first and third pickups (like a jazz bass). Effects wise, the first part was done on an Ampeg B15 patch with HPF and LPF on. Heavy chorus, heavy delay and 2 reverbs. The second part was done on an SVT patch with HPF on with no LPF. Same chorus, delay off, reverb dialed back and overdrive. I didn’t do the changeover for the video I switched up the settings on the fly in that section with no bass.

Blur - Ambulance


Dressed up for the occasion too I see! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great job! :slight_smile:


Both covers sound like a great work out. Very well done, Dan!


@sunDOG it’s great to see you playing in the wild :sunglasses: Excellent job :ok_hand:

@totyasrac Nice one for the videos, really solid for both tunes :blush:

@dlamson13 I couldn’t tell you weren’t comfortable with the pick! Great energy, I haven’t listen to Rancid for ages.

@faydout I really like your atmospheric song choices. Great job and nice suit :grin:


Glad I could help @Buzzin_Canada-John :sweat_smile:

There’s actually one song that has been in my head since early 2000s that my ex used to play, and I still can’t figure out what it is :scream: It’ll drive me mad one day.

Thanks for the comments all :blush: It took a lot of practicing - I’m trying to play songs more from memory now, and not worry about matching note for note. It feels a bit freer.


I recorded this 10 friggen times tonight!! BUT… I got the audio glitch sorted in OBS!! yay! ( its a built in noise suppression filter that needs to be disabled )

With that said… My take of U2 - With Or Without You.


Hey that looks like it was a good gig! Well done to one and all

Oo just down the road from where I grew up (Surbiton). Spooky!

Nice work @saroohoo andthe production sounds good too!

Oh yeah - been there…


Very impressive @dlamson13 I kind of wish I hadn’t sold my Precision now…

Is that all down picking?


I’m not really a Blur fan @faydout but that was a fine cover :+1: Good you put some smart clothes on as well - we need some more class round here :slight_smile:


Nice one, good to see you playing. Simply Red is one of those bands I just wouldn’t think of, but that was a cool bassline, and a good song too.
Well played on both :slight_smile:


Cool song, I really enjoyed that.
87 replies since I last visited! I’m falling behind (although its mostly gaming chat thankfully :rofl: We need a separate thread.
@JustinAndSheba That sounded great Justin
@sunDOG Loving the band, you play well together
@saroohoo I can’t get over how relaxed you look, even with a complicated bassline!
@dlamson13 Love that Rancid song, it’s so full of energy.
And the Sass Jordan song. Not a name I’ve heard before, but I like!
I’ve not noticed your channel before, (my bad) so have subbed now :slight_smile:
@faydout Loving the t shirt! I’m getting such a good musical education here. I’ve heard of Blur of course, and enjoy the songs I’ve heard, but not come across this one before. Nicely played anyway :slight_smile:
@Buzzin_Canada-John Such a mellow U2 tune, it’s hard not to like. I’ve subbed to you too, so much catching up to do!

Now, can you all just take it easy for a bit :rofl: :rofl: :christmas_tree: :santa:


Thanks! ( not a hard tune … but a good drill to stay in time :slight_smile: )

I had such a time with that … OBS was treating my bass as “noise” and supressing it from the recording!! LOL!!!

That was the tenth recording … and finally figured out what was wrong! :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds great to me dude! Now I am kind of curious what brand of vacuum cleaner you have in that back corner?? :flushed:…………:man_facepalming:…………:laughing:


Its a Bissel Powerforce Turbo :stuck_out_tongue: LMAO :rofl: :rofl:

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