Thanks you John. How’s the hand/wrist feeling?
Very well done joerg! That was really a test of endurance. The HB sounds pretty good.
Thanks. That would have been a cool show!
impressive @Al1885
Great job @JerryP perfect tone on this one that aerodyne still looks as glossy as ever!
Great job @Al1885 good tune looks like you got your groove on tonight!
First cover well done @alexav. I think @joergkutter was right, it does sound like there is an issue with you a string. Your one more cover then me.
Thanks Glenn. The first thing I did before turning the camera on was wiping down the bass with a micro fiber cloth to remove all the finger marks.
It’s my first cover of the year. Thanks @terb
Don’t worry I’ll catchup.
Awesome playing Al! Outstanding!
Sweet playing @Al1885 !
Thanks @Glenn
Thanks @JerryP
Thanks man.
Great job!
Sounds good man!
Thanks MB
Big shout out to @John_E on this one. You recommended the “Nick of Time” album a while back and man you were right. Great basslines, guitars, songs, production – an all around gem. I always liked Bonnie when I heard her sing and play slide but never actually listened closely to her stuff until you recommended it. As usual, I’m playing my trusty Squier Classic Vibe fretless. I feel like fretless bass and slide guitar share the same spirit and belong together. Thanks for checking it out
Thing Called Love - Bonnie Raitt
Good call, that was great!