Cheers Lanny!!
Here’s my bass cover of Blacktop Mojo’s “It Won’t Last”…
One of the groups I jam with added this song a couple weeks ago to the “Learn List” and we’re suppose to get together in the next couple weeks to start rehearsing it. A really fun song to get down and dirty on while rock’n out playin’ a little “Texas Grunge”…
That was exactly the LAST type of music I expected to come from those guys … LOL Lesson learnt about judging books from covers …
Damn cool band… and great cover @Lanny
Thanks Bro!!
Very mellow, @faydout! Great playing and great time!
Great playing, @AndreaJayne! As others have commented, that’s a very rock bass position
Ooh, I like this, @g13dip! And given that I am certainly on team cat, your Siamese certainly gets a thumbs up from me! (I have an Oriental, basically a Siamese with a coloured coat, wonderful cats!)
Cool, @JustinAndSheba. Love the fact that this baseline takes you up into the dusty area of the fretboard!
Great playing, @Lanny! I need to get a green screen, or at least a green cloth! Also, how cool is that guitar playing?!
Awesome, loved it
@Lanny Wow, that is a band to hear more of. They have that Gary Moore style soulful blues sound.
“Some call their sound “Texas Grunge”.” Great name
FrankMusik (Pet Shop Boys) - It’s A Sin bass improvisation
Nope, I’d never heard of FrankMusik either, until I goggled “It’s A Sin” covers. It’s quite a cool acoustic cover of the song, but it was lacking bass, so I fixed it
The challenge with this song was its timing. Let’s put it like this, they certainly were not playing to a click track, so concentration and feel were everything!
Hohner Professional B Bass into the Hotone Ampero, then on into GarageBand.
You are ready for the big time! Great job Bill!
Well done Duncan! Great tone on the Hohner!
@sunDOG - You should Duncan!!. I pretty much keep mine up in my recording studio room. Comes in handy for certain covers. Don’t use it for all though.
@AndreaJayne - “They have that Gary Moore style soulful blues sound.”
“Some call their sound “Texas Grunge”
i can hear why you would say that Andrea - the lead guitar player has that soulful blues style in his guitar playing.
Never happen Jerry…. My ships done sailed years ago…
. Do enjoy jamming and filling in at times with a couple groups though.
And you did it so damn well!! Well done Duncan. Live the tone you put to the track also - certainly fits the mood and feel of the song.
That’s a really good version of It’s A Sin. Nice find
Awesome job brother!
Great job Duncan!
Once a song pops into my head, I have to cover it myself so I heard that!
For what it cost me (not a lot), it’s a blurry fantastic bass! The Hohner, the Dingwall and the little Ibanez, they feel like the perfect trio!
Thank you, sir!!
I do like hunting out alternative versions of songs!
Thank you, Travis!
GODSMACK - RUNNING BLIND Had the day off work so rather than play PS5 all day I decided to drop a cover. Here ya be, enjoy
Gonna be that guy …
There are 2 types of people in the world:
- Those who LOVE ABBA
and … - Those who LIE about loving ABBA
I love my metal… but I still love my ABBA… how can you not feel good listening to this stuff?
Decided to mess with this to take a break from a Phil Collins tune I am working on ( that I am actually taking very seriously ) …
Mamma Mia - ABBA
I’ve not listened to a lot of Godsmack … what I have heard I have liked … I need to listen to more … lol
This tune gives me old school Alice in Chains vibes Diggin it big time
Great job bro!
That was the craziest version I heard of that tune the intro almost reminded me of those Postmodern Jukebox covers you see … WAY cool
Fantastic job with this one! Loved the Pet Shop Boys when they were the rage in the 80s