A great way to spend a day off, top job
Man check out their greatest hits album. Do yourself a huge favor, it’s really superb! They have an acoustic EP that’s great as well. This song is on both of those. I saw them live back in 2001 or so with Metallica, so good. The singer can also play drums, and him and the drummer did a two man solo jam during the show. Fantastic
Great job dude! Hey I’m a metal and rock guy myself, but I love to step out and take on different genres. Wait until you see what I’m planning for tomorrow haha , well pending I have time.
Thank you my friend!! Truly was
Nothing wrong ABBA. That sounded great! Well done!
The tour with Metallica was in 2004. Saw that show in St. Paul. Funniest part was that Sully kept having the crowd sing all the “go away/get away/stay away” parts in the choruses of their songs. Such a recurring theme in their stuff.
I knew it was sometime around then haha. It’s a wonder I got it in the ballpark tbh. Great tour, but I know what you mean.
So you’d love Ghost then!
Thanks guys! Its stupid fun to play too!
No hints?
I have to admit… that it was this comment that led me to give Ghost a listen. Had never heard them before. How did this band fly under my radar??? W T A F??
Thanks brother and zero hints haha jaws may drop it’s so far away from the box I stay in.
Childish Gambino’s Redbone?
good guess but no sir
If its “Wrecking Ball” … you can pass on the video this time
Madonna is my guess.
Only because bass magazine recently had an article on Guy Pratt, whom I have not heard of, but his list of sessions included Madonna, as well as Michael Jackson and Dave Gilmour. I looked at a couple of Madonna tunes myself as a result of this article.
Not gonna lie… there are a couple Madonna tunes I’d like to take a stab at … Like A Prayer… the bass line is sick!
Abba is no joke man. I’ve been trying to learn Super Trooper for a long time. Probably time I get back to it again.
I am very open minded … when it comes to music… That tho… having a hard time getting into… Not saying it isn’t good, or that they aren’t talented, cuz they are. Just not in my wheelhouse …
I do appreciate you sharing it tho… hell… I could have loved it right? (who knows… it may grow on me… first impressions change. )
Just queued it up in Songsterr to generate tab for @Buzzin_Canada-John