Haha it’s not
phew … dodged a big time bullet on that one eh?
Good guess but nope
Now what if I replicate the video as I play? Would you watch it then??
That would be…
Had a look at the tab for Super Trouper … seems manageable … until the chorus ‘gallop’ starts … LOL
That tune is deceptively way busier than you’d think… I hope you get that one done… I’m interested in seeing you nail it
Not sure the world is ready for @TheMadBassist swinging on a wrecking ball …
I ain’t sure I’m ready haha
^^^^^ THIS!!!
I am gonna work on Still Got the Blues. I like it. I am going to try and make those intense musical faces when I am playing along. I am getting tired of working on fast tunes at 40% speed…
Something I have been working on for a couple weeks … I don’t own a fretless (yet) … so I used a fretless patch on my GT-1B …
Its my fave Phill Collins tune
Wish it Would Rain Down - Phil Collins
That was awesome John! Nice job.
Great job there bub
That sounded great John, the fretless patch worked well
EMINEM - STAN https://youtu.be/QwvQQ9MuvBA?si=B-Pg8amh2x9OeANY Stepping out of the box here with this one. A real pain in the arse too. The repetition got me a few times before I finally got it. Enjoy and have a great weekend
Gotta say … I was mildly disappointed that you weren’t rappin in this one… LOL
Great job man
Yea man, tryin to keep my subs for now haha thanks dude
Yeah, could have at least done Dido’s singing part!