Well done, and nobody guessed it
Well, there are millions of songs so it would have been like playing the lottery haha thank you
Thanks Jerry! I love this tune
Thanks Bro! Much appreciated!
Now I just need to get me a fretless for reals! LOL Thanks Andrea!
Gotta hand it to you for keep’n it going MadMan…. Kudos on that!!... That bass line repetition however, kinda knocked me out so I’m not sure how the song ended but,…. when I did finally wake up, my iPhone was playing some random YouTube channel that had a bunch of goats standing on tree limbs while dogs were barking at donkeys that had chickens on their backs…… Enjoy your weekend bro!!
It’s all good brother man, I appreciate the view. And what a follow up to my video, animals on drugs apparently haha I’ll take it
that… was entertainingly specific
These old hands were having a hard time with this one. I hope you all enjoy it.
The Beatles - The Ballad of John & Yoko
Signal Chain:
Hofner HI Series
Cali 76 FET compressor
Behringer BDI 21 pre-amp
Scarlette 2i2
Reaper DAW (w/plugins Bass Rider, CLA-76 compressor, ReaEQ, ReaVerbate
Tab by Constantine
Thanks for watching!
Good bit of John (and Paul on the [original] bass and drums) there, nicely played by you…I think Spooky was my fav song choice of yours ever, but this is up there too
Thanks g13dip!
That was awesome @JerryP
Can totally relate Jerry but you still SLAYED that song!! Love the tones outta the Hofner…
Thanks John!
Thanks Bill! I tried to match the original recording as close as I could.
Great job brother
Oh I want to do some Beatles covers now!
A very professional recording as always, and I love it when people go “noir” in their videos The Ignition is such a great little bass too. Mine was a bit boomy at the bottom end but nothing some EQ couldn’t sort out…
Beaver heard this song before, great playin’!!
Disco octaves super cool!!
Great playin’! Go on, go and buy a fretless!!
Nice bass tone!
Great playin’!!
Thanks Duncan! Godsmack has a greatest hits and an acoustic EP you should check out. Both great listens. Thank you for comments on both covers!
There is that, yes
I love this song. I practised it a bit last year on around 80% speed.
It is such a fun bassline, I should revisit it.
Your cover sounded great, well done, and you had the bass for it to!