So damn true Duncan! Nice job on the cover. I do believe the second bass line riff in A after the bridge section follows a bit different pattern then the first (beginning) bass line riff in A…. No big deal though because you did the song wonderfully…. Besides, we don’t need to be note for note here if we don’t want…
The only reason I mention this is because I filled in with a band down here in GA that played one complete set of ZZ Top songs (one after another) during their gig…. I got called out on a couple songs (this being one of them) for missing the same damn notes - thats when I quit using any online tabs and started transcribing on my own….. Since then, I can always hear when that one particular note is missing in that second set of bass line riffs in A……
I know I don’t play exactly what Dusty Hill played, I am also conscious that I don’t play in the same way. I’ve watched a really good live video of this song, where Hill was using a lot of open As, where as I elected to play the A on the fifth fret of the E string.
I see all my covers as interpretive; get the essence, but own it and make it mine. Some covers are closer to the original than others, but I’m cool with that. I actually recorded one this morning that is very much in that vein. It’s a super-groovy song that really is driven by the bass. Listening to the original, I got the feeling that the bassist was ad libbing after playing the root note, so that what I did, for the best part of six minutes - great fun!
Very well played, sunDog! I have to admit it is a bit jarring watching a clean-shaven dude play that song…like some multiverse where ZZ Top was from the UK instead of Texas.
Nice job, Andrea! Listened to both on your channel. Coming from a guy that has never changed his strings, I’m not sure I could tell a difference in sound.
Same here John! I left the Fender Rumble and bass with exactly the same settings, but with hindsight I think if the treble had been a bit higher for both on the bass the difference would have stood out more
Great job on Ghost Highway, another excellent song
This is the REM song I was working on yesterday that I finished this morning (amazing what a good night sleep and a cup of coffee can do for the mental spirit). Had a lot of fun practicing this song this morning.
Funny that @JohnF Just posted an REM song, my latest recording is also one of theirs I think it was @fennario who posted a different REM cover a little while ago that inspired me to learn this, my fav song of theirs.
I definitely need to practice playing stood up more, I’m normally sat down so it feels a bit more of a struggle when I’m on my feet