Post your covers! (2025)

So damn true Duncan! Nice job on the cover. I do believe the second bass line riff in A after the bridge section follows a bit different pattern then the first (beginning) bass line riff in A…. No big deal though because you did the song wonderfully…:grin::grin:. Besides, we don’t need to be note for note here if we don’t want…

The only reason I mention this is because I filled in with a band down here in GA that played one complete set of ZZ Top songs (one after another) during their gig…. I got called out on a couple songs (this being one of them) for missing the same damn notes - thats when I quit using any online tabs and started transcribing on my own….:smile::smile:. Since then, I can always hear when that one particular note is missing in that second set of bass line riffs in A……:sunglasses:


I know I don’t play exactly what Dusty Hill played, I am also conscious that I don’t play in the same way. I’ve watched a really good live video of this song, where Hill was using a lot of open As, where as I elected to play the A on the fifth fret of the E string.

I see all my covers as interpretive; get the essence, but own it and make it mine. Some covers are closer to the original than others, but I’m cool with that. I actually recorded one this morning that is very much in that vein. It’s a super-groovy song that really is driven by the bass. Listening to the original, I got the feeling that the bassist was ad libbing after playing the root note, so that what I did, for the best part of six minutes - great fun!


John, bad ass status confirmed. Legit excellent job slaying that Jackie Wilson dragon!


Very well played, sunDog! I have to admit it is a bit jarring watching a clean-shaven dude play that song…like some multiverse where ZZ Top was from the UK instead of Texas. :rofl:


Nice job, Andrea! Listened to both on your channel. Coming from a guy that has never changed his strings, I’m not sure I could tell a difference in sound.


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Ya… not as long as your Neil Young marathons… but you definitely want it to be over at the half way through mark!! LOL Thanks! :slight_smile:


I can do an AI beard :rofl:

(Actually, I have only grown a beard once, when I was 22. It looked bloody awful and I shaved it off!)


NICE! That’s more like it! :rofl:


Ghost Highway - Mazzy Star

From the She Hangs Brightly album.

Was actually working on an REM song today, but it was a little too bright & cheery for my mood…shifted to something a little darker.

Had to get that clip of the maraca in at the end…shake…shake…shake.


Left a comment on yer YT for basically exposing me to Mazzy :slight_smile:

Great cover! :slight_smile:


Same here John! I left the Fender Rumble and bass with exactly the same settings, but with hindsight I think if the treble had been a bit higher for both on the bass the difference would have stood out more

Great job on Ghost Highway, another excellent song :slight_smile:


This was great Lanny, nice to see you back making covers! Gary Moore’s vibrato is a thing of beauty, enjoyed hearing that song again.

On another note, I see I’m 3 weeks and almost 500 posts behind on this thread, impressive start to Covers 25!


The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite - REM

This is the REM song I was working on yesterday that I finished this morning (amazing what a good night sleep and a cup of coffee can do for the mental spirit). Had a lot of fun practicing this song this morning.


K … thats an REM tune I haven’t heard… how bout that … LOL Great tune… great cover! :slight_smile: Good job John!


Thanks, John! Another song from the early 90’s…I must be feeling nostalgic for that time period recently!


Funny that @JohnF Just posted an REM song, my latest recording is also one of theirs :slight_smile: I think it was @fennario who posted a different REM cover a little while ago that inspired me to learn this, my fav song of theirs.

I definitely need to practice playing stood up more, I’m normally sat down so it feels a bit more of a struggle when I’m on my feet :sweat_smile:

R.E.M - Orange Crush


I have this sudden urge to do a cover of Losing My Religion :rofl: ( peer pressure, it’s real )

One of my fave REM tunes… You crushed it! (pun intended) … and that tone… awesome!

Wikkid good Sara!


Great playing, your inspirational… :jbass: :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hey spot on with the cover there. Great work!

What’s the axe?

I used to have an Orange Crush but swapped it out for a Darkglass :slight_smile:


Thanks all :slight_smile: Yeah only REM covers allowed from this point onwards :sweat_smile:

It’s an Ibanez Talman TMB30