Post your pedal ideas

if you are going to go the hx route, I would really suggest you see how far you can get with it before getting more pedals. it really can do a lot on its own and you may find you do not need some things you thought you would.


more than good enough to start out with.

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No if you’re using drum apps then you’re good. No need for a pedal.

Don’t overlook a cheap multi effects unit like the Zoom B1 four either. Tuner, drum machine etc for peanuts.


i haven’t really looked at this much, you do realize it’s only a single effects at a time pedal? this is different then most multieffects we tend to talk about around here. even the zoom pedals allow you to build a chain of effects. i mean if the One will work for you then great. but it seems pretty limiting for the price to me?

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I can’t see me as one of those fancy guys that needs an octave, reverb, envelope and fuzz all at the same time so it was a thought. I think yoh can get a midi pedal so i could switch things up with that


we will add your name to the list of all of us that said that once :rofl:


but seriously one of the best thing about pedals is they’re super easy to swap out if it doesn’t work for you. I’ve gone through probably at least 50, many I bought just for fun to try. thank god for Reverb.


a while ago i put up the video for the chase bliss generation loss pedal which just blows my mind on bass. it recreates lofi effed up tape machine noise. it’s an amazing pedal. it costs $400 :expressionless:

this gets you pretty much 90% of the way there and is a lot cheaper. i have a lofi plug in downloaded to try, but this is definitely on the radar if that isn’t what i’m looking for. and they make a mini version and a deluxe version of it too. bass is at 4:15.


probably complete overkill on bass. scratch that, most definitely complete overkill. but reverb pedals have got to be the second most popular pedals out there behind dirt pedals, and it’s kind of cool that basically the whole world has decided on the best one. and it’s this one. do you want to recreate playing in a nuclear reactor? a submarine? a civil war bunker? how about the pool of the black star, a building in Manitoba with the longest reverb time on earth? Hamilton’s Mausoleum? :rofl: this does that. they actually recorded impulse responses from these places all over the world. a tech tour de force for sure.


pool of the black star:

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ya, and your post cost me $400, lol.
It is an amazing pedal that I have not quite yet tamed for some dark ambient stuff I want to do, but a load of fun to fiddle with.
I chain it with the Walrus Audio Lore, a Phase 90 and some reverb and you get some really cool stuff.

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Wow, my Big Sky can’t do that, lol

glad to be of service :laughing:

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last one for today, I haven’t even gone through and listened to many of these. I just want one simply for how great they look :grin:

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A must have for all.


Anyone use source audio pedals? I’m still planning my board out and they seem very interesting.

as far as i’m concerned everything they make is outstanding. i’ve had a few over the years, the eq2, spectrum, and zio. i haven’t really used the zio yet as i just got it.


So you’re liking the spectrum? I was thinking that, an ultra wave and a c4 for fun

I don’t have it anymore because I didn’t have a lot of use for it but it is the best in class filter pedal IMO.
edit: I personally would not get a c4 and a spectrum as you can get a lot of synthy sounds from the spectrum and source audio pedals aren’t exactly cheap. try the spectrum and then see if you still want a c4 along with it.


I’ve got 2, their C4 synth and Reflex expression. Both are incredible. They make really cool stuff. They can be complex though.

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