Post your practice fragments!

Hah thanks @Al1885 ! I thought the flats were worth a try - the plan is to put the flats on the Rick for classical / 60s and keep rounds on the Thunderbird for all the heavy rock stuff :slight_smile:

I’m not too keen on at the at the top of the neck but they’re great near the bottom !

Oh yeah - just like their active model :rofl: :rofl:


very nice @ed!


Thanks @Paul_9207 :slight_smile:

You should give this a go. It’s easier than the prelude in G major - I reckon you’ll have it down in a week or so :slight_smile:


I don’t care how many times I play through a song, as soon as I turn the camera on, I start screwing up. I’ve been trying to one-take this three minute song for the last hour. Maybe tomorrow.


:joy: welcome to my world man.

That sounds really good


I’ve only had my bass for like two weeks and have never played any instrument before, but after getting about one and a half modules into the course I decided to challenge myself in a fun way and make some tabs for the opening riff of Doom’s E1M1 and attempt to play it.


awesome we need more videogame music


Starting to mess with the app Backtrackit.


Thanks that looks like an interesting arrangement. I might have a look at it myself!

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My arm’s getting better so I decided to play around a bit this weekend. I wanted to put Bitwig through it’s paces, plus I had a couple new synths and some effects to try out, and um well I’m still mixing it but this is getting pretty close to done for a cover:

The original doesn’t have a bassline so I made one up (using the BB734A). It’s chugging the same notes as the low synth (which is a patch I made in RePro-1). The synth lead/pad is a patch I made in Diva. @joergkutter you’re gonna love Diva, just buy it :rofl:

The bass solo is my SBV-800MF. I figured I might as well play both instruments.

The drums are Bitwig’s drum machine with some included samples. Bitwig comes with a lot.

The chorus is Bitwig’s builtin. The delay is PSP’s Lexicon PCM-42 plugin. Compressor is either UAD’s Distressor or Softube’s VCA Compressor, depending on track.

Voice is me, and for once, no Melodyne :rofl:

The verdict: Bitwig is my new DAW for sure, it’s awesome.


Wow, this is a production. I like the fast decaying splash or crash cymbals. The bass is definitely deep. This is great man. Hey the singing is great too. What’s your effect setting on the vocal? It’s a tad dry but sounds great.



Just compression, chorus, and delay on the vocals.

I need to work on the mix a bit for loudness and saturation but its getting close. Still a bit muddy.

Gotta love the Distressor in Nuke mode :rofl:

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The original seems so lush and wet which is the hardest to sing when you have the headphone on, it’s just too rich, :joy:

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I could mix in more delay to wetten it up. The PCM-42 is just an insane piece of gear - I instantly fell in love. It was expensive for a Delay plugin, but super worth it.

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This live version is wild because Simon Gallup is playing one of the synth parts with his foot. Even while he plays the bass solo.

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Great stuff, @howard - this must be so satisfying to do; both to play (again) and to produce all this!! (I am missing producing my own stuff, but my year-long commitment to a course at SBL is taking ALL my time).

Personally, if I may, I would dial back the drums a bit in the mix - they seem to overpower all the other good stuff going on. Also, perhaps you could “humanize” them a bit more; they sound very “mechanical” - unless, of course, that is what you were going for.
Vocals should be stronger in the mix, IMHO.

Glad you found a DAW that fits your needs and workflow!

Well… not prepared to pay 180€ for it, but if a deal pops up, I might go for it :smile: I think I have analog synth covered fairly well with what I own…

PS: well played, if I haven’t really mentioned that :joy:


Yep all good suggestions and things I was narrowing in on. Also the low synth was too low and saturating the lows and low mids too much, the loudness balance was off per track, the bass EQ needed work (for both), and as Al noted the vocal compression, EQ and effects were off a bit. I’ve fixed it and have a final mix I like a lot more, now just need to figure out what I want for the video.

I had to give up the beloved WinAmp visualizations and so now might resort to AI video :rofl:

Ahh of course not, yeah. Buy it used, that’s how I got both it and RePro :slight_smile:

KVR buy and sell forums are good, Knobcloud can be but caveat emptor there.

Thank you!

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Let me know how that goes - very interested in a good (low price) solution myself. Had tried (=paid for me) some visualizers myself, but they’re are a bit lame:

Will keep an eye out… thanks!


I love it… and love the vibe! Congrats @howard, you should be proud! :slight_smile:

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