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It has a supercharger to boost the bass! My other ski has a blow off valve to vent boost when you let off the throttle to save the clutch in the supercharger clutch. It sounds kind of like a top hat!


Whatever that is, it looks kind of funny in a dry sort!

You never own horses…they own you.


Q. How you become a millionaire owning horses?

A. Start with 2 million

My buddy has them and they’re a crazy money pit.


All living things are :slight_smile:


yeah but especially horses


Yeah for sure.

Also based on my friends’ experiences, gotta say kids are up there too.


Got me an EV today. I’d tell you the auto pilot scare the crap out of me but it works superbly and the back in parking is quite impressive.


Daily drive an F150…but these are the fun toys…


Congratulations Al!

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Thanks @JerryP

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Congrats Al.
I’m a card carrying petrol head, but I test drove the new Teslas recently and they’re a seriously impressive drive.


Yeah there are a lot to like and I was not really prepared to like it as much.
The one pedal drive is surprisingly instinctive. The auto driver is much better than I expected.

This wasn’t even on the list of cars we are/ were considering our top choice was a Toyota sienna hybrid van, it would be our 3rd sienna. Long story short, they wanted $10,000 mark up from stickers and willing to work down a couple hundred if we promised to kiss their ass and buy them Starbucks, wow! 2 dealers similar experience they’ve got balls.


We had a similar experience. I was looking for a used Alfa Romeo Giulia or Maserati Ghibli, but couldn’t find a suitable car ( The joys of living on a relatively small Island).

Once I started looking at new options I decided to check out the Teslas and was blown away by the new model-3. I’ve never even been remotely interested in a Tesla or any EV previously so I really surprised myself. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My wife hates car dealerships so much that next time I’m going on my own to get her next car.

The whole price on the windshield isn’t the ‘real’ price drives her nuts.

I love it. I think it’s all a massive game played by bozos. One of the salesmen once told me that what I was looking at was a ‘very rare silver Toyota Rav4’.

I stopped him and said, look behind you. I count 3 other silver Rav4s and that’s just on your lot.

Without breaking step he said well define ‘rare’. He said ‘I think rare means somewhat hard to find, but not unique’.

They are all clowns and I put them in the same idiot basket as real estate agents.

Congrats on the new car. I think we’ll be going EV for our next one if they make a 4WD car that isn’t insanely expensive.

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You’d think this day and age, the salesman would have better materials. :laughing:

When he/ they quoted the $10k mark up price, the guy said what can you get it’s a hot ticket item right now, I laughed and started listing, Volvo, Odyssey, etc, they are all the same price, then I said maybe Tesla the guy laughed said that EV doesn’t work. I don’t know if you know about the firesale that Toyota put on their Bz4x. They practically gave it away.

Tesla buying experience is practically painless, no wonder new buyers I know ended up with Model E or Model Y, when they started with Honda or Toyota in mind, the buying experience is still as painful as ever.

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I was really impressed with my friend’s Polestar. Another friend has the new Audi and it’s awesome. Think like a Tesla but a much, much nicer car.


One of my other rides!


Wow, really nice! Never seen this before. :ok_hand:

Indulging in reminiscences about my trip to Amsterdam with the bike years ago, I fixed my old racing bike today and took it for a longer ride. I forgot how good this older bikes are.