Let me ask a question, what is it you don’t like about the mustang?
I have two mustangs, one a Squier with an single vintage split pickup, which I changed to a Curtis Novack pickup which is fantastic
I have a Fender Player mustang which is a PJ. I didn’t like the 3 way switch so I put in stacked pots for vol/tone for each pickup and swapped the pickups to DiMarzio model PJ
You put me on the spot and I’m thankful for it. There’s nothing I don’t like about my Mustang. If I could only keep one of my three basses the Mustang would be it. I like the short scale p-bass tone with flats and rounds.
The pot to mix the two pickups is a good mod but I also don’t have a problem with just the split coil. I hardly ever feel the need for the j pickup.
The funny thing is whenever I have flats on it I miss the rounds and vicecersa.
I just really like p-basses and I may be a little obsessed with that RoadWorn. That’s why I wrote here, to make me come to my senses and hopefully not do something I’ll regret.
Adding to the MOD topic, unfortunately from Mexico it’s a very expensive thing because of shipping and import taxes unless I can buy it on Amazon. Under those circumstances the best choice would be to upgrade the Squier with Seymour Duncan’s Quarter Pounders but it already has a Fender pickup in it, not the original which I still have. It’s a really nice pj precision bass from 2008 with a rosewood fretboard and a 39mm neck. This is all of my gear…
I seriously considered it at some point and I could be very happy with that trio. They just are very expensive here and between a Squier CV Mustang and the Rascal for the same price I really liked the dark sound of the Rascal. I’m a fan of Goth, PostPunk, The Cure, etc.
Yes, Eric. I took the time to put flats on the Mustang and play for a while and it’s just such a great bass. Trading it in is something I would regret in the end and I’m fine with my Squier for a P-Bass. Thank you!
This is why I ultimately decided to keep my Aerodyne and sell my SR500E. I’ve got my Kiesel PB-4 strung with rounds, and my Aerodyne strung with flats.
2023 is a mixed bag for me. I have halved my number of stringed instruments and consolidated on bass, so my inner Mari Kondo has been brought joy. But now I have two hardware analog monosynths and a third on the way, something I swore I would never do. And, even funnier, they are all (at least to some extent) semi-modular. I AM BUYING PATCH CABLES FFS.
They really bend over the modular guys when it comes to pricing. The cables are ridiculous. Literally everything modular costs twice as much. Want a 19" standard rack chassis? Here, have one for like $50. Want a Eurorack chassis? That will be one standard human kidney.
Yes but it would be inconvenient. If these were 6mm instrument cables then that would be an awesome option, but these are small 3.5mm patch cables only like 10-50cm long, and they aren’t quite expensive enough to be convenient to make instead. Ones like these: