Shall I contact this band?

Yeah, if I find a group of Punks late 40’s, early 50’s, I am all in. Course, ages don’t matter to me, as much as musical style, which I am even pretty much lax on. The one thing I won’t budge on tho is, it has to be for fun, and love of playing, learning, creating together only, it must never feel like a job.
I know, as with any groups of people, there will be disagreements and arguments, which is all fine as long as it does not turn into one long endless argument.
I have no room in my life for resentments, so if they were ever to start to build, that’s where I step out, hopefully to move onward.


I could. I still think the investment is a good one especially since was mentioned that for the DAI the computer must be on. I don’t even really need wireless. Just for the “wanting to move around” part.

That’s the way I would practice right now.



I don’t know why I didn’t think earlier of this. They probably want to be promoted anyway.

Here are the guys I keep calling “The Band”:

The lyrics are basically a carpe diem type of deal. Or carpe diem even when shit hits the fan.


Very cool, good production quality, and I like the music, I would play for that band. I am sure you are going to have a great time, especially when you get to start gigging and making videos.
This looks like an awesome thing you found, I hope you go far.


I have no idea what she is singing, but I swear she threw out a “Fuc%” one time.


The show starts - somethings wrong!?
F#$k! - you can’t her the frontwoman!

Not unusual. It’s used so often in German as swear word.


One of my 3 favourite expletives :joy:


Agreed, but there are so many good ones to choose from. I can almost speak only in expletives. Lol


Love that you guys use it a lot.
What is a good German swear word that we can adopt?
Other then Shite!


Scheisse would work.
And yes, it means what you think it does.


Why do you think we start using other languages when swearing?
One that’s used in bavarian region: “Kruzifix!” (= crucifix - historically very christian those bavarians)

My personal actually German favourite is probably
“Ach du heilige Scheiße!”
“Oh - holy shit!”

“Scheiße” is actually the most common expletive that’s used with variations on it.
“Verdammte Scheiße!”
“Damned Shit!”


Is that pronounced as spelled in @peterhuppertz post, like two s’s, or like a B as the way it looks compared to the english B, in your spelling @juli0r?


It’s pronounced like two s’s. Or a sharp sounding s.

The ß is just that. A special S that has a sharp sound following after a long vocal.
Like “Foot” - “Fuß”.

It’s confusing and most Germans don’t get it right by now and just always use “ss”. So none except the most pedantic Germans would say “Scheisse” is wrong, while the correct word would be “Scheiße”. Smartphones probably pushed that development too because it’s a hassle to write special characters on there.

There are some words though that cause ambiguity if you don’t distinguish between ss and ß.
“Ich möchte heute in Maßen trinken.” - “I want to drink a reasonable amount.”
“Ich möchte heute in Massen trinken.” - “I want to drink a very huge amount.”




That’s: “Ich möchte heute aus Maßkrügen trinken.”


Sure, but I think I could build my case around “drinking beer by the liter”, and not just one :wink:


Not really, but I’ll just let you have it now :wink:


Mate the best way to improve is to play with people better than you.
As long as you’re upfront about you skills then they won’t have an issue with you.
So the newer is, of course you should go.
Besides isn’t that what most of us on here would love to do.
So puff out your chest, chin up and go kick some arse.
Make sure you keep us up to date on how it goes.
Good luck


Yeah. Umm

Thanks for the encouragement but a bit late to the party?
I’m preparing for band practice today and didn’t get as far as I wanted in a week but I think it’s all good.

To be honest I would be surprised if they think my speed of progress is “normal”.
As I barely could play one song the first time. Could play it the second time and today hopefully I will be able to play 2 full songs.

I often had problems with remembering the form during practice and a never working printer meant that I actually bought music sheets and copied by hand. Got each song on a single page :slight_smile: yay.

Okay one is missing and it’s the one running the highest risk of not fitting on one page.

So yeah - If anyone just thinks about playing with others: I can just recommend such platforms where you can look for and meet musicians. Then again I live in the most populated county of Germany and right in Cologne so the odds are probably in my favor compared to most others here.


Another man with no printer @juli0r ! I have no computer either atm which I’m now finding extremely frustrating.
I also am struggling to remember song form when I play even when I’m familiar with the tune so I can only imagine trying to play an original song!
You’ll get though I’m sure :+1:
I’m old so I have an excuse :joy: