"Share some good music" Friday

I would love to see them live but I suspect they might not be everyone’s idea of a great show. I love shoegazey shows so they would be awesome for me.

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Ive never played guitar in my life but i watched John Entwistle play this tune 5:15 live many times and it inspired me… half way through Josh’s course and have already had two jam Sessions choosing fun songs with simple bass lines like “ one way or another” and “jumpin jack flash”… here is a link to the man himself…God rest his soul. Josh you are an awesome teacher.


Super Bowl 54 CHAMPIONS!!!

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Wait… what?? Two jam sessions already?? How did you find them and how did you do? Please tell us on the HOW TO FIND SOMEONE TO JAM WITH? thread! Thx!


As long as it is not the Patriots :grin:


I’d love to see the great state of Kansas. :wink:



OK, to get this thread back on track… (and on a Monday, for crying out loud :grin:):

Here is a cover of a cover of Jaco’s famous “Continuum” - Victor Bailey did a cover with vocals added, and then these two did a nice cover of that…


2:20am on the anti-Friday, so:

Some original post-industrial from one of my favorite bands of the era. This one won’t be for everyone, but it’s very straightforward and melodic for their work - much more so than most of their stuff. This could be on any dark movie soundtrack.

These guys more or less launched electro-industrial back in the late '80s, with a couple other bands. Most of their stuff is a lot darker and more noisy. I love it.


A couple of my friends play a little guitar so i nudged them into restarting since there are a lot of guitar players but not so many bass players. Its amazing how many people play a little but got bored playing alone! I got one of my kids an electronic drum set, downloaded a bunch of stuff from musicaneo since u can select what instrument tabs u want… and voila! Instant rock band… i downloaded some basic rock Drum rhythms and helped my 12 yo get up to speed… they are like little sponges. Just lucky i have some friends who can play simple stuff… old stones, acdc, sections of “the chain”, 7 nation army… low expectations and high fun. I say “how about u learn the chords to “back in black” and hand them the guitar tab music. You can see their eyes light up, and a smile form. “Come over sun at 1, my son and are are going to hack our way through it and we would love a lead guitar”
Enticed them with a good band name (cant say it here), a little enthusiasm and free beer helps too… i just get the tab music and play what i can, and just mimic the main guitar chord note when i cant figure it out. Simplify the music by writing out your own tabs cutting out some ofvthe notes in the fast fingering parts. Jumpin jack flash can be played with about 6 notes, 4 of which are open strings.
Anyway. Hope that helps. Cheers!


When push comes to shove, I think I prefer Snarky Puppy to Skinny Puppy, but some cool soundscapes in there for sure :grin:

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That is better than I thought it would do, thanks :slight_smile:

Some more soundscapes, here’s some original shoegaze:


And some Japanese shoegaze :slight_smile:






Thanks, @studio… pretty sure though we already had their NPR concert here :grin:

@joergkutter Sorry dude. So many posts on this thread. I have not been through all of them.
Just discovered Khruangbin and thought I would share


Here is one for @peterhuppertz :smile:

Gotta love the 70s - chorus/flanger even on the drums :crazy_face:
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And a little flourish for the 1000th post here - yeah!!

Thanks all for contributing and keep 'em coming!!!

hellz yez.
Do I recognize that drummer from the studio session you posted a few days (weeks?) back?