Short Love

The top is the string retention system of sort.

The bridge is similar to what @Wombat-metal showed you but this one the dial is on the top and it’s kinda through body string design. T n he amazing thing about this system is how effortless it takes to turn the dial I have several bridge tuning system and this one is definitely the smoothest system. It feels almost hydraulic, as a matter of fact it’s the smoothest (least effort) tuning I’ve ever tried period.

My only gripe is it seems to have pretty low ratio probably 18:1. It could have been more but nothing close to graphtech ratio tuner at 76:1 on B string. Of course being at 23” scales everything is amplified.


Yeah, if I have a gripe about the EHB it’s how tight the tuning system is. At least on my fiver, much better on the 4 string. On the plus side it’s very accurate and stays in tune very well.


@PeteP Is that a current Hofner model in the photo? Because the only Artist model I see on their site is a violin bass.


I love that bass!
Could you make some close up pics of the retention system?


Sure I’ll do that for you but for now here’s the website


You are my hero!!!

This is what I’m looking for:

I have maaaaany more questions:

  • Do you think that .125 strings would fit?
  • Can you install flatwounds too?
  • Is the mechanism strong enough so that the strings will not get loose and “slide” out?
  • How did they solve the issue that the winding could get lose, destroying the string?

I ask as I would like to use the headpieces to solve this issue Shortening strings at the ball end for sub short scale bass using cable nipple screws!?


Definitely not: it’s a 1963 solid body sold as Hofner Artist, and later as the 182 with added switches below the neck pickup. You’ll see the two called the same thing by some people, but the catalogue shows the subtly different models. I’ve only found about 6 for sale online, and the best ones (IMHO) have the vinyl wrapped body that are so cool I’ve considered upgrading mine - but then it wouldn’t be so original.


Just being a numpty here, and yes, it is 30".


Thanks. I completely missed the “'63” mentioned in the first sentence of your earlier post. Guess I need glasses!


Ok I’ve got the pictures.

Yes I’m sure it will because my 5 string set fits. I didn’t check but my B string has to be at least 125.

Hmmm! It depends because some flat wounds have really think silk wrapped and this set up the string needs to bend.

It looks very strong I don’t have any time on this to know the durability by for general use I don’t see why it would fail

There’s no winding.

Can you tell me your situation? Is your bass string slipping and/ or you want to do upgrades? Are you in a situation that you need to change string because they are no longer working?


so I do of course love short scale basses and most of you know my love for music man (I don’t exactly hide it :grin:). so when the new ss stingrays get announced it’s kind of like Xmas for me. 2 new colors, both of them re-do’s of past colors I think (and seems pretty fender-y IMO). new 30" scale is interesting. if they follow through with their past way of doing things, they will probably release a few limited edition Ernie Ball models throughout the year, along with the Ernie Ball production short scales. anyhoo, here ya go:

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So, I have this totally unnecessary idea of putting any string I like on my tiny Blackstar Bass, not only the one type provided by Blackstar (which is sometimes hard to get).

I explained the whole situation here: Shortening strings at the ball end for sub short scale bass using cable nipple screws!?
You only need to read the first three sentences, no worries!

I hate it to be limited to Blackstars own strings for this bass, and I defintely want 125-105-85-65 gauges.

So I tried some stuff and failed miserably … until … I saw your magificent bass.

Unfortutely it does not solve my issue as I want a solution where I can just cut the ball ends and somehow lock the strings behind* the bridge…

But your solution got me to the idea of putting something like this behind the bridge, providing there is enough space:

Or perhaps the Steinberger variation?

So I would put it like this on my bass, completely ignoring its original intention (Orange block is where I would install the headless headpiece):

I have a feeling that this is a crazy idea. - so please stop me if it’s nonsense!

Yes, I can live with using the Blackstar strings, but I feel not accomplished, if I don’t find a solution to my original issue :slight_smile:


OMFG! The blue one looks so good and the roasted maple neck is just too good to pass up. Imma get one later this year when they go on sale. Thanks @itsratso

I missed out on this one it was around the lockdown and things go pretty quick.

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I wish there were more after market parts in black for Sterling basses. I’ve googled this in the past and unless you buy the bass with black parts it seems pretty hard to find stuff that doesn’t look like junk.

Unless I’m looking in the wrong place?

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Well that’s explain the German, :joy:

It’s going to be a pain in the bottom for sure.

There are much much simpler solutions, one I know for sure is the Dogal set of strings it’s 120 euros for the 5 strings but you could probably get them easier than I can here, I doubt that it will be cheaper. You don’t need to get the 125 gauge just the standard 45-105 set will provide you with the standard tuning and killer sound.

Another one with sub-solution is the new Kala SolidBody, it’s exactly the same scale as yours. You can get the set of their new steel round wound set or better yet buy one.

I don’t know if you can get Flats on or even want to. It would now sound good not at that scale, if you like that tone may be you may want to add the mute kit/ pad to your bass to give it the treble-less funk you need in your life, :joy: If your German side is aching for more permanent mod then I suggest this Music-man mute kit you get to do all of the precision drilling and everything. It’s on my ‘93 EBMM Sterling 4H and the Sabre bass.

Sub short scale requires specially designed string to make them sound and feel right so the conventional strings will not fit the purpose and to mod the square block into a round one would be quite expensive, lol.

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Don’t call me German … I’m just a Dutchman that was exiled from his home country to Germany :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hmmmm … that sounds like complicated/expensive stuff.
And I really wanna keep my little Blackstar, as I have modified so much stuff on it, that I can’t let it go. It became a part of me…

If I buy a new bass, which I wont (as my little dictator does not allow for it), I would buy the Fender Mike Kerr Jaguar Bass.
I really don’t know what it is, but my heart skips a beat when I see.
It might be the colour orange though, as it is our DUTCH national colour ^^


Ouch! Sorry mate. I have a lot of Dutch-Indo friends here. Man they are good looking people.

Whatever you do, don’t buy the Fender Mike Kerr signature bass. That bass has a lot of issues. If that’s your itch that need scratching. You can get the mod shop USA p bass with all Rosewood neck and any color you want for just few bucks more than the MIM Mike Kerr.


I know, I was so ugly that I had to leave the country :slight_smile:

I had a lot of Indonesien friends when I was younger - especially from the Malukus. They were the most gentle people … and I never forget how good their mothers could cook!

OK, I cannot scratch that new bass itch. I have to choose between my girlfriend and a new bass, so that’s an easy choice ^^

But if I were looking for a new bass, it must be a) a short scale and b) have a wide neck (don’t know why - it feel better). Colour would be secondary.
So, what would your advise be? Not that I would purchase anything!!? :slight_smile:


I have put it on the forum before, but music man will 100% sell you black hardware for your bass. 2 caveats:

  1. you have to send them the old hardware to get new ones
  2. it ain’t cheap :grimacing:

contact them for deets if interested :+1:

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I love how companies treat people like cheats and conman. I saw how fender have tons of after market neck replacements and I call Sterling about the short scale neck they did say they are not for sale but they said I had to sent in my neck for repair or expensive replacement. Huh?

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