Should I shoot my new bass? (Modding the Harley Benton MV-4MSB)

they made one just for you

unicorn sticker now mandatory


LOL! It’s not that some crazy part of my mind does not think about making Pink’s Hot completely unicorn themed, with glitter and all (thank you, @barney).
But I wanted to have some silvery-pink theme, so I’ll stick to that for now.
But my mind will not let the unicorn idea go easily, knowing me…

I’ll just leave this here…

…and be very disappointed if you choose wrong :rofl:

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LOL, during my time in Cologne I knew quite a few “Butt Stallions”, but they had nothing to do with unicorns (as far as I know).

Rest assured that I will fight the temptation to go unicorn themed!!!

A good f(r)iend of mine is a unicorn freak: she always takes glitter and all kinds of shiney unicorn & princess stuff to parties.
She kind of h(a)unts me on the dance floor, as she know my complete dislike of everything glitter - and loves to blow glitter all over me or get me to wear little princess crowns or hold her magic wand, only to disappear and leave me standing there like a f#cking wizard princess.
Not cool!
No party with here where I come home and don’t find glitter on the most exotic place on my body…

She would love a unicorn bass!

I have serious PTSD, where P must stand frow “princess”…

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No no no you big silly. Her name is Butt Stallion because she’s a unicorn that poops loot, like all good unicorns.

(Seriously, thats the reason.)

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In guess my Cologne friends would say the same thing - but(t) the name still makes me wonder.

Let’s not go into that :slight_smile:

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A bit late to this-work and time zones.
Nice job on the bass mods, glad it is sold out as it is the only pink one I have seen I like (must be the tort).

Re the subjective/objective size of your nut conversation, here is how we deal with that Down Under:


I guess/hope it’s cause they change the product description and go back to checking the strings that the China factory put on it.
Also they might really do a setup now - I know they remove products from the web site if they are in QA.

(Had a long discussion with Thomann product management about my findings, so they had a 2nd look a the bass).


If you’re worried, don’t be; there’s two things this game series is praised for - the first is its endless stream of dad jokes, and the second is being the most LGBQ-friendly and inclusive game ever.


Will send your recommendation to my Cologne posse.

They might be looking more for this kind of characters though :slight_smile:

Hey man, whatever, I’m just here to get you to name your bass after Queen Butt Stallion.



It will remain known by the innocent and politically correct name Pink’s Hot :slight_smile:

You’re missing a golden opportunity. If I owned that bass, I would 100% name her after the Queen.

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That would be like getting the shell pink version of this bass and call it “grannies girdle”.

No no no. The proper name for that pink bass is “milkshake”. It’s cute!

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Hi! I’m about to pull the trigger (keeping up with the topic), but I have experienced some totally boat anchor Harleys earlier. How is the weight on this one? Thanks!

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The weight is 3.9kg. It’s not the lightest bass, but I feels like the Sire U5 in terms of weight…

Have you seen my little “review”?

Some might think that it’s too negative for something I recommend.
But I have discovered much more issues with other, more expensive basses.

This is a good bass. If I had to change one thing (except strings - but Thomann will send you proper ones when you complain!), it is the pickups.

But that might be cause I don’t like most pickups :slight_smile:

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Converting 14mm to 17mm tuners, using an aluminium tube and a saw…


Ok - this is the alpha version:


  • I can’t hear a f#cking thing. I checked all wiring and soldering twice, but could not find any diversion from the DiMarzio wiring diagram (below)? WTF? Anybody knows how to debug this?
  • The MV-4MSB needs a really high bridge. I mean, really high. I am at the limit of the screws…


  • solve f#cking issues
  • Make cavity for output jack larger
  • Get the silver foil for pickguard and control plate. Cover holes that are not needed anymore (ie pickup selection switch).

Can I connect each pickup directly to the output jack, to systematically find out what went wrong???!

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