Show the Bursts You Love & Those You Hate(-ish)

…and it’s still not a burst :slight_smile:

I dig the color, actually. Kind of a metallic amethyst.

Actually one of my favorite colors.

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Glorious !

Yes I have seen these-prolly never see them in the Land of Oz tho.


The ingredients for a perfect Fuglyburst :

  • two colors only, preferably very different
  • a thick outside color band
  • almost no gradient between the two colors

see ?



Yep, that is definitely fugly.


Tele body isn’t my favorite and does not help this burst either

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Oh man! Now I want one!

I’ve never had a problem with Antigua but calling it Vomitburst makes me want one.

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Fender should hire me for their marketing :joy:


Welcome to the club! I would buy a “vomitburst” colour bass even if I were blind! It’s in the name…


Crazy ugly bursts on the Epiphone Slash signature.

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


Kind of ironic that Slash has a signature as he is on record saying he never liked having a special guitar as they just get knocked around and banged up on the road.

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yeah it’s all marketing to sell ugly Epiphone’s at a quite high price tag.


Those are some spectacularly bad bursts.

The last Epiphone LP I picked up was trash. Not sure if that’s a common indicator but I was not impressed at all. Its binding ran over the frets and yet they had fret sprout through the bindings, it was kind of impressive. I don’t even know how that is possible.

Oh I see, apparently they were trying to emulate a Gibson thing and failed spectacularly.

I’d noticed this on other LPs and wondered about it.

Like, what do you even do about that when it happens. You’re just screwed. You can’t file the fret ends because they are inside the binding, but there they are, poking you through it.

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I’ve played dozens of Epiphone, because obviously I have a ton of friends who have Epi’s, and also because when I started playing guitar, Epiphone’s were somewhat the more luxurious beginner guitars available. At least that’s how we used to see them at the time.

In the 90’s I would have loved an Epiphone LP because of the look, but I could not afford it. I’m glad I started on an Aria Strat copy instead. Not a good instrument (way worse than a Squier, that I could not afford either) but still a bit more decent than an Epi.

I literally never found ONE good Epiphone in my life. All were pure trash.

That’s just very poor and cheap job. The problem is the Epiphone’s are not cheap ; actually I find that they are very very expensive for what they are.

You see that on the high-end Gibson’s ; the cheapest ones don’t have a binding at all. My SG has that, and also the '93 LP Standard that I had had this binding too. It’s comfortable but I guess it will be expensive when the guitar will need new frets (never hopefully :sweat_smile: )

Yeah. It’s a job that can’t be done cheaply. They could have used normal bindings on the Epi’s, it would have been easier to build correctly and the guitars would have been less crappy at the end.

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I played an Epiphone with a Viper body (cause I do like that shape) in a GC a few weeks ago and it looked fine and had no issues with it, other than it sounded like crap.

I may get a bang-z yet and put in some EMGs


ESP’s don’t count, naturally they are good :slight_smile:

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I must say that considering all my bad experiences with Epiphone’s, I tend to avoid them now. There are a lot of models and I don’t know each one obviously.

Well, I don’t want to say that there is no Epiphone that can be possibly interesting, that was not my point.

I say that because I’m not trying to convince anyone to avoid buying an Epiphone, if that’s an instrument that he/she actually likes !

I quite like the Viper shape too. I even prefer the Eclipse shape.

But I’m not sure ? an Epiphone with a Viper body ? isn’t the Viper shape exclusive to ESP and LTD ?

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Also I have some proof that good musicians can actually like some Epiphone’s, at least enough to play them live.

Conjurer :

Earth :

Earth again :

Superlynx :

Widowspeak :

… just to name a few. To each their own :grin:


I had an Epiphone LP at one point. IMHO it is/was the best Epiphone LP available. Loved that guitar, but had too many LP’s and wound up trading it for a Hagstrom Swede with P90’s. Loved that guitar, but traded it for… and so on.

Anyway, this Epiphone was the 1960 Tribute Plus. It had the long tenon neck joint, a decent looking, albeit veneer finish, locking tuners, push-pull coil splits, strap locks, and Gibson USA '57 Classic pickups. Oh, and it was $599.

It had that “growl” to it that I’ve never been able to replicate.

I should have never let it go. Or maybe the Hagstrom. I dunno, one of them.