Show us your amps

Even better. My only issue is that the PA in most Venues are, well how do I put this delicately, sucks. :joy:.


not to mention, I don’t know where you all hang, but the bars by me that have live music don’t have a front of house. or a PA. or air conditioning :grin: it’s 4 walls and a few barstools.


I’ve solved this problem by no longer wanting to play live :rofl:


I just disassembled the graphic EQ board on my SVT. the faders definitly need to be replaced … and it’s not so easy to find the perfect replacement parts.


Similar boat here. I know the software sims and such are amazing but I spend 8+ hours a day in front of my computer for my job. I’d much rather have a nice amp to play on so that I can play without having to spend even more time in front of my computer.

For me, personally, it’s the #1 deal killer for amp plugins.


I’m completely the opposite there actually, I vastly prefer software :slight_smile:

But at that particular time, I just wanted to play with tubes. No regrets, it was fun and they sounded great; but for me, amp sims are where it’s at.

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maybe we should start a thread about the IR rabbit hole : I tried a few free ones yesterday and I found some great ones.


The quality of the IR can make a huge difference. I find many SVT cab sims (both 4x10 and 8x10) to be poor quality - dull and muffled sounding, for example, which defeats the purpose of using a cab with 10” speakers to begin with.


I’ve been on the fence for this late 70s Ampeg - Local Sam Ash is closing down and the price has been discounted a few times but not quite enough. Might drop in tomorrow and try to beat them up on the price some more…

Yes, I know it’s the guitar version and not the V4B. It doesn’t seem to get as growly like a SVT unless I’m not dialing it in right. Also, the weight is quite substantial for a head so those factors have been holding me back. Not only that, the Ampeg SGT-DI (or Origin BASSRIG) could probably do the job for less money and a much smaller footprint.

Sounds great going clean into a 15 inch speaker, that’s for sure. A single 12 inch speaker was quite admirable as well. I have not yet tried a 410 cab. I currently have a Ampeg Classic series 15 inch cab at home that I use with a Darkglass head. I like that sound but something about tubes keep calling to me…

(I guess this might actually belong in the GAS thread… :laughing: )


I admire your tenacity to dig that board out and do some replacements! Good luck!


Yeah, but don’t forget that the actual 8x10 is really dark. The 4x10 HLF is much more bright and linear, and I found an IR of the HLF that actually sounds very close to my Yamaha cab, which is also a ported 4x10 with tweeter (even if I set it to zero).


Oh cool! I’ll try with a HLF next time I want to use a SVT sim.


What IR loader do you use ? I’m using FenrIR right now, it’s fine but limited with 1 sec IR’s. I’d like something lightweight, low latency and with the ability to mix two IR’s if possible. Also a few filters would be a nice add.

The HLF IR I’m using is from the Seacow Teaser Pack. It’s free but I don’t know if it’s still easy to find. Feel free to ask if wanted/needed.


NadIR previously, but not recently as I have mostly been using canned cab sims. I might have to reinstall it.

I will likely try first Kilohearts Convolver now though. Not exactly the same but could lead to sweet results, basically like the cab/mic plus a little reverb. And would mean I could use it internally in synth patches too :slight_smile:

If this works I would also get 5-band multiband IR and the ability to load as many IR as I want for free too, as this would work in MultiPass and/or SnapHeap.

Plus, I already own this, so it’s a no-brainer for me.


yeah that’s interesting !

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Once you get used to working with MultiPass, there’s strong incentive to try and use Kilohearts snapins for as much as possible :slight_smile:

@itsratso FYI, you have all this too as part of your subscription :slight_smile:

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Pulse from Lancaster Audio looks pretty cool for a simple and free loader. I’ll try it tomorrow.

I really like the idea of blending two IR’s, like a modern 4x10 (Darkglass, EBS …) and a good’ol Ampeg vintage fridge.


LOL, I was thinking “I wonder if Cameron has done a video on this”, and sure enough, he has, and it’s a prime reason why anyone interested in sound shaping should watch him:

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Yeah :100: ! Lots of fun to be had playing around with stuff like this.


Do you feel this way about the amplitube ones? I guess it might depend which amp and cab since there are multiple.

Sort of related, anyone know about the HX native ones? Yamaha owns ampeg and line 6 so you’d think they would make sure they get them right.