Show Us Your Basses (Part 1)

A lot of us are saying that, @ptreez . . . :wink:

Nice looking bass, welcome aboard, and good luck with your lessons!

Cheers, Joe


@TK42DAN Welcome to the BassBuzz forum.

When you have time, join us on the Introduce Yourself! thread.

Also, “Why aren’t you at you post?”

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Thanks! I’ll head over there soon. Juggling a lot right now and trying to finish a few things before I really get stuck in here.

Also, that wasn’t me. It was Ken. That guy was always screwing around. I went AWOL ages ago and have been fighting the Empire and all forces of evil ever since. [Yes, I’m developing a backstory in order to separate myself from these horrible sequels and salvage what I can of my beloved childhood trilogy. :smiley:]


I’m a newbie. My old Yamaha (pictured in the rear) sat in the corner for 14 years. Found B2B and it inspired me to pick it up again. Broke the truss rod having it set up. Kudos to Yamaha!! After 14 years with only a picture I sent to them as evidence, they replaced my Bass! Long story but I got placed on back order and as I was a couple weeks into the course I didn’t want to wait. Upgraded a bit to the Ibanez SR300E. Recently purchased the Fender CB60SCE Acoustic. I like them both, the Acoustic is nice when I want to do a little quiet practicing. Sold the Yamaha on craigslist when it arrived. A win-win solution!


Congrats, @bobzak :slight_smile:

Very nice looking basses! Good luck with them and with the course.

Cheers, Joe


Not the best pic, but here is mine set up
Ibanez SR370E
Squire Rumble 25
Brown D’Addario strap
D’Addario clip on tuner
GLS Audio 20 FT Brown/Yellow Tweed Cloth Jacket Cable

Hiding behind the amp is a Yamaha Pacifica 112 guitar signed by all the guys from P.O.D. that I have had for almost 8 years.


I think I said it before but that SR is gorgeous.

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Beautiful coloring on that Ibanez! And great matching set up with the strap and cable!

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I love the look of the SR300E it is a very beautiful bass and as a complete newby looks are all I have to go on at the moment
I think the SR will be my first upgrade if I decide to stick with the bass


While my friend is still waiting for a bass he ordered 3 months ago (and might or might not ever get), I stumbled upon this used (but hardly played) beauty - a 2017 Fender Geddy Lee Jazz bass (MiM) that a guitar player had bought as he set out to learn the bass, but then realized he’d better stick to the thinner strings:


Congrats, @joergkutter! . . . :open_mouth:

Excellent choice and it sure is a beauty! Wishing you good luck and lots of happy times playing it. :slight_smile:

Cheers, Joe


Thanks, @Jazzbass19 :smile:

Yamaha TRBX304 bought less than one month ago at the recommendation of the BassBuzz tribe! It’s really pretty and begs to be played but my ability has yet to blossom and I’m currently butchering Billie Jean from the beginner to badass lessons.image


Welcome to the club, @rickpalacios1973 . . . :laughing:

You’re in the right place here . . . lots of Yamaha fans, too!

All best, Joe


Excellent choice for a bass!


:nauseated_face: I want one so bad. Went to a brick and mortar to try one. Sold. Another in two weeks! Went back exactly two weeks later. Sold…


Third time is the charm, @muff!

First impression of the bass is really nice, even though it had (apparently) not been played in a year or so… maybe a little bit of setup/adjustment is required - good thing the weekend is coming up :smile:


Love my 304 Yamy!!

Keep on Thumpin’!


@joergkutter I’ve read where a lot of people really love the neck on the Geddy Lee Jazz Bass. Have you had enough time to play on it to let us know what you think?

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Is it different than a normal Jazz? I love thin necks like the Jazz has.